Her College Roommate Stole Her ID And Money So She Turned The Tables And Got Revenge
by Matthew Gilligan
I don’t think you should ever steal from anyone, but ripping off your own roommate?
That’s pretty low!
But that’s what happened in this story from Reddit’s “Pro Revenge” page to the woman who shared her story.
She explained that this happened when she lived in a dorm during college.
Roommate thought she was sneaky. Ended up owing me $400 and got suspended.
“So, this happened my second semester dorming at my college campus. I had met my roommate at orientation and could kind of already tell she was going to be a pain in my ***. And I was right about that. I had planned on moving rooms to be closer to some friends the next semester.
But, let me get to the story that lead to my revenge. On our campus you had to pay for meals using your student ID which had a certain amount of money on it each semester. You could also use an app that you put your name and ID info into and it makes it easier to pay. But, the name and ID must match for it to work (which will be important later).
Any funds from the fall semester would roll over into the spring. But, then at the end of spring it would just expire. Because of this, and because I only ate once or two a day, I had a ton saved up on my card. My roommate on the other hand, did not.
She decided to be nice and help out her roommate…who in turn decided to take advantage of her kindness.
So, I offered to pay for some of her meals from time to time in trade of her picking up the food for us. Which involved her using my card twice in person and then she’d return it . Then, one day, I noticed on my app that my card was being charged even when I was not ordering food. And not just a meal, like a meal for several people.
This meant that whoever was ordering (I wonder who) either had to have stolen my ID card (which I had in my pocket when I got the charge) or was impersonating my info in the app, which are both big nonos on my campus. I was quick to put two and two together and was pretty mad. I was initially going to confront her on it. But decided to formulate a plan instead.
So she came up with a plan to put the roommate in her place.
That day I went and ordered a second ID card for $25 to use for later. As it took a couple of weeks to get the new one. I let her charge several things to my card over a good two weeks. For her and her friends. And she wasn’t very good at hiding it either.
As they would come to our dorm and eat. While I just screenshot and sent emails to the support team of the app about the charges (knowing nothing would get done until I contacted someone in person). And one day it got even better, as you can buy groceries with the card off campus as well. She decided to pay for booze with my card.
Which doesn’t get pinged as an issue on my card due to me being over 21 but, she was only 19. Not sure how she got it, but it was just the thing to finally act on my plan.
They decided to go see the bigwigs on campus.
I put my best sad face on and contacted the head of campus living and head of my dorm about the charges on my account. I dropped some hints that it could be my roommate and mentioned I got a new ID and asked what I should do.
I was told to order a new card and once I got it, to deactivate my current ID and use the new one for purchases now. Making my old ID have a balance of $0 and also to ping if someone uses it to buy anything. They also told me they would be visiting my dorm to discuss the issue with my roommate. I accepted that and waited.
Her roommate clearly didn’t know what was coming right around the corner.
They sent the confirmation email that they would be visiting and I just decided to add more fuel to the fire . My roommate was groaning about not having the funds for food in front of me in our dorm. I told her I really couldn’t help her as I was running low on funds and she kind of just laughed it off and left the room to probably go use my old ID. I deactivated my first card right after she left and surprise surprise she used my info to pay.
Except when she tried to pay for her and her friends this time , it was declined and it pinged that my ID was used. Campus security was called and she was escorted back to our dorm. Pretty much perfect timing for our meeting with campus living. She was scared when they came to the dorm to talk and look through her stuff.
She was in for a big surprise.
On her phone, still logged into the app was my ID information and name. And in her dorm closet was a half full bottle of cheap vodka. And on my phone was a screenshot of said unauthorized vodka purchase.
In the end she was forced to pay me back all the funds she used (in cash) , reported for underage drinking which automatically suspends you from campus living for atleast a year, and would have on her record that she performed Identity theft. Which I also could have charged her for out of school.
And it all worked out pretty well for the woman who wrote the story!
In the end, I got to have my own dorm for the remainder of that semester and even part of the semester after. Because it wasn’t put as an available room for new dormers. I did get all my money back (from her parents) who were so embarrassed and apologized profusely.
And when she did eventually come back to campus no one wanted to dorm with her because they knew she had stolen her roommates ID. I think in the end she rented off campus.”
Check out how people responded.
One Reddit user was impressed by how they timed this out.
Another individual said she needs to send her old roommate this link.
Another reader thinks this is one of the better stories they’ve read on this page.
A person said her roommate went way too far.
And this Reddit user said this person had what was coming to them.
Nice try, terrible roommate!
Hopefully, she learned a valuable life lesson.

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