In-Laws Are Upset When The Wedding Guests They Sprung On The Bride Didn’t Have Assigned Seats
by Trisha Leigh
Weddings are a time when even though folks are supposed to be on their best behavior, for some reason they are often just…not.
OP had a great and laid back time planning and attending her wedding ceremony. Everyone was where they were supposed to be, things went off without a hitch, and the bride and groom were having a great day.
I married my husband last weekend after about a year of planning. The ceremony went off perfectly even with kids in the church.
The formal photos weren’t delayed.
No one got drunk and wrecked anything.
No one insisted on bringing their emotional support goat.
Then she realized that her in-laws had invited about 10 people without letting her know. So, at the reception they had to squeeze around an extra card table someone found and they had to eat last.
The only hitch was that my in-laws invited about ten extra people without telling us.
Not relatives or anything. Just friends of theirs we did not invite since we don’t know them.
I did not notice them at the ceremony and it wasn’t until the reception that there were issues.
There was no seating for them. Our best man and groomsmen found a folding table and chairs for them to sit at.
There was food, we went with a buffet, but since we sent the tables to eat by number and they didn’t have a number they were sent last after everything had been picked over.
They told OP she needed to apologize to them for the treatment but she said she would only do it if they told them the reason – that they weren’t expected by the bride or groom.
My in-laws were embarrassed that their friends were being treated that way. I, very politely, asked them what they expected when they invited people without telling the people planning and paying for the wedding?
They said we needed to go apologize for their treatment. I said I would but I would also explain that they had not actually been invited. If they wanted their guests told anything else then they had to go explain.
Her husband is backing her up but her in-laws are pouting.
They are upset with me. My husband has my back 100%. I think I could have been more gracious but I also think it should not have fallen on us to deal with it.
Whoo boy, Reddit is an expert on wedding gaffs at this point!
The top comment says the in-laws definitely made a faux pas here.
Because the whole point of RSVPs are so they don’t run out of food.
They’re not convinced the friends were in on the whole thing.
This person says the bride and groom should definitely not take responsibility for the in-laws mistake.
Either way, they say let the new hubby deal with his own family drama.
This is quite the bizarre story, if you ask me.
Who invites people to someone else’s wedding without asking?
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