Parents Insist Their Daughter Give Up Her Space In Their House For Her Brother’s Family, So She Moves Out Because An All-Inclusive Resort Costs Less
by Matthew Gilligan
Sometimes, you just gotta cut the cord and move on…
And when it comes to family, this can cause all kinds of issues.
So was this woman wrong for moving out of her parents’ house?
Check out her story below and see what you think.
AITA for moving out after my parents told me to give my space to my brother and his family?
“I (F27) live with my parents. I have a job and I have been helping them by paying rent and buying groceries.
My brother is married and has two children, a two year old and a newborn.
He recently lost his job and has asked my parents if he can move back in until he is back on his feet.
Her parents threw her for a loop.
My parents told me that I would need to move out of the basement suite in the house and into my mom’s hobby room while my brother and his family stay with them.
I did not agree and they said it was their house and their rules.
I don’t really own a lot of stuff. Everything in the suite belongs to them. I don’t even own my bed.
I packed up my clothes and my laptop and I went to work like usual.
I work out of town for 14 days then I get 7 days off.
While I was at work I booked an all inclusive for my week off. It cost me less than rent and food at my parents house. I told my parents my plans and they were cool with it.
She told them how it was gonna be.
I started getting texts a few days ago asking where my rent and grocery money was.
I said that I moved out. That if I wasn’t living there and eating there I wasn’t going to be giving them money.
They got really upset because they were counting on the money to help support my brother. They said that I moved out without giving notice.
I said that they LITERALLY gave away my living space and that I didn’t owe them anything if I wasn’t there.
I asked them how much they are charging my brother. I was giving them $1,800 a month (Canadian money) for rent and food and I was only home a maximum of 14 days a month. Usually less.
Her brother chimed in.
My brother called me to say I was a jerk for not helping him out. I pointed out that he hadn’t sent our parents money when he was employed.
He said that he had a family to support so he needed his money. He said if I came back he and his family would move upstairs and I could have my space back.
I had actually done the math though. I can stay at all inclusives which cover my room, maid service, food, alcohol, and entertainment for 2/3 of what I was paying my folks.
And I don’t have to live through Edmonton winters when I’m not working.
Peace out!
I sent my parents $500 to help them with groceries then I went to the beach.
My parents, my brother, his wife, and a fair few of my other relatives are saying that I’m an ******* for abandoning them on a time of need.
I think if I’m not there I shouldn’t have to pay anything.
Let’s see how Reddit users responded.
One person made some great points.
Another reader said she’s NTA at all.
This individual said they were charging her too much.
Another Reddit user made a good point.
And this person said she was the only one making a sacrifice.
Sounds like it was definitely time to get the heck out of there.
You did the right thing!
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