‘That is just pure disrespect.’ – Girlfriend Takes Her Boyfriend Out For Dinner, And The Waitress Flirts The Whole Time. So She Leaves No Tip.
by Laura Lynott
Picture it, you’re treating your other half to a romantic dinner – that’s just the kind of thing that’s going to make them smile and you feel good.
But, then imagine if the server ruins the entire evening by flirting with your other half and giving them the check they’re not even paying.
It gets worse. And it’s kinda hard to believe a server like this hasn’t been marched out of the job. But there we are!
@ohheyitsdeanna told her followers on TikTok she took her man out for a treat and the waitress took her order, the exact same dinner, to the table a quarter-of-an hour after her husband got his dish!
The waitress then proceeded to give her man the bill and even drew a love heart on it. Now, girl, come on.
So. @angiefrog747 had a thing or two to say about this!
She told her followers on TikTok: “Did you see the video where this woman took her man out for dinner? The waitress completely disregarded the woman but focused on her man.”
She continued, “Like they ordered the exact same thing. The waitress forgets to bring her food out. But she brings her man’s food out like 15 minutes before.”
“And she never refills her drinks. But she refills her husband’s drinks several times. I don’t blame this girl for going off and not tipping the girl because honestly.”
And she nails it.
“That is just pure disrespect. That is like flaunting it in her face. ‘I’m after your man.’ Women like that are so ******* sleazy.”
Simply put…
“Like, it’s disgusting watching women like that.”
Yep, gotta agree, the waitress sounded kind of the worst ever!
Watch the full clip here:
@angiefrog747 I tip even with bad service most of the time… yet i dont think i would have tipped her either. It bothered me her hubby let it happen and made his girl eatablish the boundary. #sleazy #girlsgirls #whatwouldyoudo #aita #manstealer #gross #selfesteem #insecurity #pickmegirls #forthetips #relationships #boundaries #dobetter #girlproblems #preapproved #respectyourpartner #treatherright #treathimright #waitressproblems #whydoyoudothis
Here’s what people thought of the bad waitress:
Good tactic!
Good guys!
Yeah, what was this waitress thinking?
Bad form, fam!
If you liked that story, check out this one about a woman who went on a date with somebody who was 10 years older than her. Find out what happened!

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