May 22, 2024 at 8:44 pm

The Baby In The Apartment Below Won’t Stop Crying, So She Complained To The Landlord And Wants To Know If She Has Taken It Too Far

by Matthew Gilligan

Source: Reddit/Unsplash

The neighbor feuds continue, friends…

And it seems like there’s no end in sight!

Check out this story from Reddit and see if you think this woman is wrong or if she’s justified in how she’s treating her neighbor.

Check it out!

AITA for reporting my neighbor’s crying baby to our landlord?

“I 34F live upstairs in a duplex with my two boxer/pittie mixes. I’ve lived here for 5 years (with my ex who recently moved out).

Last year my neighbors (31F, 30sM) moved in downstairs after the unit had been empty for a while. They were good neighbors until this year when they had a baby.

Apparently they had to go through IVF and had a bunch of miscarriages, she posted all about it on Facebook.

I thought that was TMI but whatever. I’m only her Facebook friend because she added me.

She’s made a big deal about being pregnant and it’s been annoying to see but I just ignored her.

She’s not liking this new situation.

Anyway since she’s had the baby I’ve had to deal with the crying from downstairs. It’s not as bad as I expected but it still is really annoying.

I’ve gone down and knocked on their door a couple of times to tell them to keep the noise down.

Every time they apologize and blame their baby but nothing has changed.

I got fed up and reported them to our landlord for making too much noise.

The landlord talked to my neighbors who are now turning it around on me, saying my dogs are too loud and I play music at night that wakes their baby up.

Things got tense.

My dogs aren’t that loud and hardly ever bark when I’m home.

I got annoyed and went down to talk to my neighbor about it and she got really nasty with me, and blamed me and my dogs for “always” waking up her baby.

She said they can hear every one of mine and my dogs footsteps and the dogs nails on the floor specifically, that my dogs bark the whole time I’m not home during the day, and that I put my music up too loud at night.

I told her I can’t make my dogs not bark when I’m out, and that they’re dogs on hardwood floors and that I didn’t know what she expected living in a downstairs unit.

I also told her I’m allowed to have people over and my music on whenever I want in my home. I don’t think it’s fair to ask me to change my life when I’m not the one who had a baby.

My neighbor got an attitude and told me she was only asking for me to be “respectful of our shared space” and brought up hearing an argument I had with my ex a few weeks ago.

I admit it was a little loud but it wasn’t that big of a deal. I laughed and told her that pretty much went out the window when she had a baby but she shut the door in my face.

I don’t think that’s the end of this…

I reported the whole conversation to my landlord so there’s a record of my complaints because I want them and that baby out of here!

When I was telling a friend about what was happening she told me I was being a major jerk to “struggling new parents” but I think that’s their problem and not mine.

But I wanted to get some unbiased feedback because that friend is usually a little over-emotional for my taste.”

Let’s see what Reddit users had to say about this.

One person spoke up.

Source: AITA/Reddit

This Reddit user shared their thoughts.

Source: AITA/Reddit

This person was surprised by her behavior.

Source: AITA/Reddit

Another person thought she acted like an *******.

Source: AITA/Reddit

This person has a whole apartment full of audacity.

What exactly did she think was going to happen?

If you enjoyed that story, read this one about a mom who was forced to bring her three kids with her to apply for government benefits, but ended up getting the job of her dreams.