Neighbor Complains That Having Two Bus Stops Is Slowing Down Traffic, But Is Furious When The Changed Bus Schedule Screws Him Over Even More
by Ryan McCarthy
Everyone remembers the panic of being a kid late for school, and seeing the bus roll up to your stop out the window and leave without you!
Not to mention the walk of shame into your parents room to sheepishly tell them they need to take you into to school!
But when this user’s neighbor complained about the two school bus stops in their neighborhood, he ended up eating his words when his complaint slowed down his commute even more!
Check it out!
Entitled Neighbor doesn’t like our bus stop
So I live in a resident owned community (it wasn’t when I moved in, the residents bought it recently).
The back part of the community where I live is in a different town than the front, so the kids bus stop was at the end of our road.
The other town bus stop was at the front by the busy main road.
And one of their neighbors wasn’t too happy about this bus stop arrangement…
One of our more entitled neighbors who live in the other town decided we should have to use the same bus stop.
Making it a little inconvenient but whatever not a big deal.
The buses in our town cannot stop traffic on the busy road in the neighboring town like the other town’s buses can do.
But this inability to stop turned the buses into an even bigger convenience for the crotchety neighbor…
So now, they need to pull into the community and make a difficult turn blocking the entrance/exit.
So now the entitled neighbor is stuck waiting, or has to leave earlier or be late for work.
It makes me laugh, every time.
So you thought you knew better than the bus company on how to better organize their route? And then your way didn’t work out?
Reddit cited the old advice of being careful what you wish for, and this user swooped in to explain the story to anyone who was confused.
And while some were confused on whether this was maliciously compliant or not, this user thought it just made the mark.
And this user imagined the angry neighbor out there honking their horn angrily, but only because of their own situation.
Who gets mad over a SCHOOL BUS?
This guy, apparently.
If you liked that post, check out this post about a woman who tracked down a contractor who tried to vanish without a trace.

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