Pharmacy Customer Claims A Technician Asked Inappropriate Questions While She Was Picking Up Her Medicine. – ‘I had to declare my diagnosis to a room of people.’
by Matthew Gilligan
A person’s healthcare and medication are supposed to be private, so you can understand why the woman you’re about to hear from got so upset about how she was treated by a pharmacy technician.
Her name is Maggie and she said that it all started when she went to a pharmacy to pick up a prescription.
Maggie explained, “The pharmacy tech asked me, ‘Why do you need this medicine?’ And I told her, and then she said, ‘Why do you need this medicine?’ And I told her again. Then finally, we ended up having me say out loud to an entire group of people. I have endometriosis.”
She continued, “She had questioned me to the point where I had to declare my diagnosis to a room of people who are next to me and can hear me. And I just feel like, is that patient privacy? Like does a pharmacy tech get to look at a patient and say, ‘What is your diagnosis?’”
Maggie continued, “Is being in line, and is requesting your medication, basically waiving your right to having a private discussion? And does a pharmacy tech need to have…a private nature discussion with me about my diagnosis?”
She ended her video by saying, “I don’t personally feel that it’s professional or appropriate for somebody who is not the doctor or the pharmacist to be asking me and questioning the validity of my medication.”
Check out her video.
@itsmaggieperkins What are the guidelines around Patient privacy rights? I honestly do not know what my rights are as a patient at a pharmacy. I feel like the last few times I have interacted with my pharmacy, they have been very vocal about my private information and have questioned the validity of my need for medication. I understand that some medication‘s are high risk. I also believe that information should be handled with sensitivity. #patientadvocate #patientadvocacy #chronicpain #endometriosis
Here’s what people had to say.
This person chimed in.
Another viewer spoke up.
And this person shared their thoughts.
I think this worker needs to be reprimanded!
How rude!
If you liked that story, check out this video about a mom who reveals the inappropriate healthcare questionnaire her 13-year-old daughter got at school.

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