Daughter Reveals That She Elected To Be An Organ Donor, And Is Surprised Her Mom Is Upset She Didn’t Ask Her Family Their Opinion First
by Ryan McCarthy
Becoming an organ donor is a choice that many of us don’t think twice about when getting our license.
But for some people, donating organs after death conflicts with a religious belief.
But when this user casually revealed to her Mom before a surgery that she had signed up to be an organ donor, her mom was furious.
Was she wrong for making this choice alone?
Decide for yourself!
AITA for not mentioning that I am a registered organ donor to my mum
So my mum is a little religious but not a zealot – she is more spiritual and to herself.
I am a registered organ donor and I have been since I became conscious of the fact that I can be a registered organ donor.
If I die, I want others to be able to achieve a full or even better life than the one I just died from.
As strongly as she felt about it, it didn’t seem like the type of thing she needed to mention to her Mom.
I want someone somewhere to make use of the body that was so fragile I died, but it can sustain someone else,
Obviously, I didn’t bother to mention this to my mum.
It wasn’t a deliberate lie, I just really don’t talk much about these things. I registered, and forgot.
But when she needed to go in for a common surgery, the subject came up!
I’m going in for a common elective surgery with generally good outcomes.
After some related discussion I mentioned that I’m an organ donor.
She said I shouldn’t make a decision like that lightly or on my own and it’s selfish.
I love my family, so I feel bad now.
It’s her decision alone, and not anyone else’s!
Reddit said that it’s not like her Mom consulted her before every medical decision SHE made.
And Reddit said regardless, it was a decision that would only affect her after she had passed.
Others gave her a potential argument she could use to persuade her Mom to see things from her point of view.
There are pros to discussing organ donation with your family prior to your death.
Why does Mom even care, they’re not her organs anyway!
And once you’re gone, you surely don’t need them.
If you enjoyed this story, check out this post about a daughter who invited herself to her parents’ 40th anniversary vacation for all the wrong reasons.

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