Parents Demand Daughter Change Her Coed Living Situation At College, But She Insists That They’re Just Friends And Nothing Will Happen. So Who’s Right?
by Heather Hall
Going to college is exciting. For many, it’s the first time living on your own, and even better, it might mean rooming with a good friend.
But what would you do if you got assigned to the hall you wanted and with the person you wanted, but your parents didn’t approve? Would you stick to what you want, or would you give in to their wishes?
In today’s story, a young lady finds herself in this exact situation. Let’s see what she does.
AITA for keeping my roommate for college despite my parents’ wishes?
I (18F) am starting college this fall.
Earlier this summer, I filled out my housing application and waited to hear who my roommate might be, and what hall I would live in. Earlier in the school year, a good friend of mine (18M) suggested that we should apply to be roommates.
For a little more context, we aren’t interested in each other because of preferred orientations.
I thought it’d be a fun idea, but we missed the deadline for roommate selection, so we just got thrown into the random pool.
Come mid-July, I get a call from my mom letting me know that housing assignments got released a few days early. I check my account and, coincidentally, my roommate is my friend.
She didn’t think her mother would take the news well, and she was right.
I didn’t tell my mother right at that moment because I knew she’d likely freak out when she heard the news.
A few days later, I told her, and she wasn’t happy.
She said that there’s something wrong with me if I’m comfortable sleeping in the same room as a man, that I don’t actually know him, and that I shouldn’t be okay undressing in the same room as him (we have communal bathrooms so that isn’t a problem).
She said I have to submit a room change form as soon as the form is released.
A few weeks prior, I had a conversation with my parents about being 18, and they affirmed that I am technically an adult and should make my own decisions.
I brought this up, and she said fine, but you have to tell your dad yourself.
This is where things really went downhill.
About a week later, I told my dad, and all he said was that as long as my grades are good he doesn’t care.
About a week after that, my parents simultaneously blew up, degrading both me and my friend, and telling me that I don’t care about them.
My mom said that if I keep my roommate, she will not be able to sleep peacefully at night and heart problems will appear, and that it will be a clear indication as to whether I care about my parents.
I had a long list of reasons as to why I should keep my roommate as well as my room, such as close proximity to classes and a preference for the residence hall.
The only downside she could identify was my roommate being a boy, I was expecting her to at least acknowledge the pros I gave her but that was not the case.
Then, the school got involved.
The next morning, I get an email from an administrator in housing explaining that she has a couple questions for me.
I call the number she left and come to find out, my mom called numerous administrators as well as other staff to try and get me moved to a different room or get my roommate placed elsewhere.
I was upset about this as my mom has a long history of going behind my back and doing things her way, but I told the administrator that I wanted to keep my room.
She said that she’ll put it on my file to only contact me, as my school prefers to speak to students about student issues.
My parents really locked down on the decision being indicative of how much I care about their feelings.
Should I have caved and changed rooms?
Yikes. It’s easy to see both sides of this, but she is an adult.
Let’s see how Reddit readers responded to the situation.
Here’s some good advice.
According to this person, the mother is just being protective.
This is so true!
This mother had a similar experience but was supportive.
Here’s someone who questions if the story is even real.
It’s clear that everyone means well. Her parents are just concerned for her safety, which is understandable.
If you thought that was an interesting story, check out what happened when a family gave their in-laws a free place to stay in exchange for babysitting, but things changed when they don’t hold up their end of the bargain.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, coed housing, college, college roommates, parents, picture, reddit, roommate, top

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