Boss Wants More Details About A Simple Lunch Run, So Employee Complies With A Step-by-Step Breakdown
by Heather Hall
Sometimes, being asked for more details can be a little annoying, especially when you’ve already provided the most important information.
So, what would you do if your boss insisted on precise details for something as simple as picking up lunch?
This security guard finds himself in this exact scenario.
Here’s what he did.
Want precise details? Will do!
It was about 8 months ago, and I had gotten permission to leave the site (I work security) to grab my food order.
I put it down in my shift report: permission granted, I went to get the food order, where I got food and time back.
I got it sent back saying they need more detail. So, me telling you that I had permission, where I went, and time gone isn’t enough? Ok.
Here’s where he went a little overboard.
So I looked at the precise details of the walk and put it in.
Walked south on SW 3rd for 200 feet. Turned West and walked 350 feet on West Main Street. Arrived at the restaurant.
You get the idea. I had put another 10 or so lines in so they had the precise course I took to the taco place as well as my travel back.
They never asked for details about me getting food again.
Too funny. That’s one way to get them off your back.
Let’s see what Reddit readers had to say about his actions.
Here’s someone who thinks they could’ve given even more details.
Now, this is too far.
According to this person, he should’ve offered a restaurant review in his write-up.
This person would’ve gone all out, Tolkien style.
Less is more in some cases.
Hopefully, the boss learned that after this little stunt.
If you liked that story, check out this post about an oblivious CEO who tells a web developer to “act his wage”… and it results in 30% of the workforce being laid off.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · boss, details, lunch break, malicious compliance, picture, provide details, reddit, security guard, silly, top

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