Customer Demanded A Delivery Driver Shovel Their Driveway To Get A Tip, So He Left Them a Nice Surprise in the Snow.
by Matthew Gilligan
I don’t want to hype it up too much, but this story is OUTRAGEOUS.
And you’ll see what I mean in just a minute when you dive in…
Are y’all ready for this?!?!
Let’s get started!
A delivery driver’s petty revenge story.
“This happened to me last year. Someone reminded me of it today, so I thought I would share.
I was working as a grocery shopper and delivery guy, you probably know the app.
I did a double order about 24 hrs after a snow storm was over. Most people have their driveways shoveled by now.
Order A of the double was 5 items going to the trailer park 3 miles away. Order B was 20 items going 10 miles away.
I’ve shopped for B a few times so I knew they were the good tipper.
Well, that’s annoying…
I get done shopping and drive to customer A. Driveway not shoveled and it’s a “hand to customer”.
So I park on the road and trudge through the nearly a foot of snow to the front door and I knock.
A woman in her late 20s / early 30s answers the door. I hand her the 2 bags and say have a nice day.
She stops me from leaving and proceeds to tell me that the tip she left me on the app was so I would shovel her driveway.
Before I could say anything she point to the shovel, says “get started or I will remove the tip”, and closes the door.
Her driveway is about big enough to fit 2 cars.
I stood there kind of dumbfounded by the audacity and entitlement of this woman.
Then I remembered who I was delivering to for order B, and instantly I knew that this person, customer A, was a low tipper, possibly no tip.
So took the shovel and pretended like I was going to do it.
I then went to the side of the trailer and behind her car, where I was out of view, and proceeded to write in big YELLOW letters “**** You!” and I left the shovel next to it.
As I’m driving away, I messaged her. “Sorry I can’t shovel your driveway, I have another delivery to make. I left the shovel behind your car.”
She never messaged me back, didn’t gave me a bad review, and didn’t take the tip away.
So maybe she didn’t see it, but I’m fully satisfied believing she did.
If you’re wondering how much the tip was for all that shoveling she wanted me to do….$5.”
Here’s what people had to say.
This person shared their thoughts.
Another Reddit user weighed in.
This reader spoke up.
Another individual loved this story.
And this person had a lot to say.
This story proves it: people are crazy!
If you enjoyed this story, check out this post about a daughter who invited herself to her parents’ 40th anniversary vacation for all the wrong reasons.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · delivery, delivery driver, petty revenge, picture, reddit, revenge, top

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