September 6, 2024 at 8:24 pm

Employee Got Upset When His Projects Were Given To Another Department, So He Lashed Out At His Manager During Their One-On-One Meeting

by Heide Lazaro

Source: Reddit/AITA/Canva

Some workplaces embrace flexibility.

When their boss thinks that another team could handle a project better, they would easily hand it over to them.

This man had 2 projects that were given to another department, so he got upset and lashed out to his manager during a one-on-one meeting.

Read the full story for all the details.

AITA: Told my boss ‘his feelings are for therapy’.

I was assigned 3 projects at work—two I love and one I hate.

I told management I would support the hated project as long as I kept the other two.

They agreed as this aligned with my development plan (which they approved).

The two are how I want to develop, the third is not.

This man’s projects were transferred to another department.

The company has an immense amount of work that needs to be done, but not enough employees to do it.

This has led my organization to eliminate certain projects from the portfolio.

My two projects were eliminated.

When I say eliminated, I mean transferred to a sister department, but were not cancelled.

The management consoled him by saying they’re all part of a huge group.

This decision was not made because I was too busy (I’m not, I have capacity to support all three projects).

But because they didn’t want to give me a second resource to support it (two resources are needed per project).

The sister group has the needed secondary resource.

The dumbest thing about this decision is that we are constantly told by management that we are all ‘one group.’

Yes, there are some differences, but we all support the same thing.

He’s annoyed by the fact that someone else will complete what he started.

The two projects are projected to be completed this year.

I’ve spent the last 2 to 3 years working on the development, and was looking forward to completion.

But now, I have to transfer it to someone who hasn’t done jack, and will take it across the finish line, and reap all the benefits.

These projects are complex compared to the rest of the portfolio, so these would have guaranteed a promotion for me, as well as give me a blockbuster resume.

Apparently, he wasn’t informed or consulted before the changes were made.

This elimination decision was made behind my back.

I was informed AFTER they discussed with the persons I am transferring them to.

They cut me out as they knew I would not willingly transfer.

Had I been involved in the discussion, I would have suggested that since we are all in ‘one group,’

I could still be the lead, and work with a secondary from the other department to finish the project.

He was stuck with a project he didn’t like.

With the finish line months away, it makes more sense to not disrupt the entire team last-minute.

This would solidify the ‘one group’ vision they are pushing, and be a great example for the entire department.

But that didn’t happen.

So I’m left with a project I hate, and now get to watch two people take victory for my hard work.

When his manager was explaining, he interrupted him with a rude and personal attack.

During the first 1:1 with my manager after this all happened, I knew this would get brought up.

So when he started trying to explain the rationale, I almost verbatim said, “No further explanation is needed.

And that I respectfully don’t want to discuss it anymore, especially since these are no longer within my assignments.”

He pushed again saying, “Well, I feel an explanation…”

But I cut him off, and said that “his feelings are for therapy.” and I’d rather use my 1:1 time to discuss the projects I am assigned as well as my career development.

Let’s see what other users have to say about this.

This user says he’s the jerk in the story.

Source: Reddit/AITA

This one shares an insightful explanation.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Don’t talk to people that way, says this one.

Source: Reddit/AITA

This one says it wasn’t the best move.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Finally, this user thinks they made the right decision about him.

Source: Reddit/AITA

It was way out of line, dude!

You could have been more professional.

If you liked that post, check out this one about an employee that got revenge on HR when they refused to reimburse his travel.