October 14, 2024 at 7:22 pm

A Distracted Driver Honked At Him For Wasting Time At A Light, So He Let His Rage Take Over And Confronted Him On The Road

by Benjamin Cottrell

Source: Getty/yacobchuk, Reddit/ProRevenge

Navigating the streets can sometimes feel like a test of patience, especially when inconsiderate drivers hog the road.

But one driver’s impulsive decision to take matters into his own hands sent a clear message—sometimes, the consequences of bad driving come crashing down.

Read on for the full story!

Smashy Smashy

One day last summer, I was out and about running some errands when a small car randomly cut me off in a parking lot.

The driver was on his cell phone and clearly not paying attention.

Over the course of the next little distance, he proceeded to cut me off several more times.

The driver tries to make the most of the situation, until the other driver adds insult to injury.

Unsure if this guy was genuinely clueless because of the cell phone being held to his ear or if he had some random vendetta against me, I decided to put some distance between us.

Unfortunately, at the next intersection, we were both stopped at the red light.

The second the red light turned green I heard a honk.

Ok, no more Mr. Nice Guy.

Okay, I didn’t leave the line as if it were a quarter mile drag, but I wasn’t taking any longer then the average driver.

Then a second honk, and I looked in my rear view mirror and this guy is giving me the finger.

Being a little ticked at this guys not-so-stellar driving, I decided to throw my truck in park and go confront him.

It was a stupid idea for so many reasons, but sometimes my lack of fear makes me do stupid things.

He confronts the other driver head-on.

I get back to his window and simply ask if there is a problem.

He puts his phone on his lap and then goes on a rant about how bad of a driver I am and that I didn’t move once the light turned green.

I asked if he wanted to start over in a more polite way.

You’ll never guess who he was on the phone with.

He told me to buzz off, then picked his phone back up and I kid you not he said:

“Sorry mom, some AH is blocking the road.”

So he did something impulsive.

I ripped the phone out of his hand and began walking back to my truck.

He hopped out and began to charge at me but stopped the moment he realized I was not messing around and ready to fight back.

He then asked for his phone back in a decently polite way.

I told him “Sure, as long as you can catch.”

Then off the phone went into the air.

I launched his iPhone straight up into the air as high as I could.

He managed to stumble and miss catching his phone by mere inches.

It smashed into a million little pieces.

Unfortunately, there would probably be consequences for his impulsiveness, so he tries to get ahead of it.

I immediately felt bad, not for breaking his phone – that felt great.

I felt bad that I was probably going to get in trouble by the police and have to deal with that.

I don’t mind a minor thing like that going on my record, it is perfectly spotless otherwise.

So I decided to go straight to the police in hopes that I could reduce problems by immediately turning myself in.

The cops begin to investigate the incident.

At the station, the other driver arrived shortly after me – I assume it took him a little bit of time to pick up the pieces of his phone.

The police spoke to us separately. He was first and it took about 15 minutes.

Then came the verdict.

Then the cop came in to speak to me. He said:

“I have issued him two tickets, one for distracted driving (cellphones are banned while driving) and one for reckless driving.

He has had three complaints and written warnings for other similar situations where he was on his cell phone and nearly caused accidents so I don’t believe him when he tells me he wasn’t on his cell phone.

As for you, you shouldn’t break peoples cell phones or even confront them no matter how bad their driving is. Report them to us and we will deal with it.

On a personal level, I bet that felt good.

Have a good day and remember not to get into any of these altercations.”

I laughed at the outcome of that. I walked outside and seen the other driver pulling out of the lot.

I gave him the most smug smile and wave I could muster up.

That should teach the other driver a valuable lesson about road rage.

What did Reddit think?

This commenter can’t help but bask in the secondhand satisfaction.

Source: Reddit/ProRevenge

This redditor, however, isn’t impressed.

Source: Reddit/ProRevenge

In less articulate hands, the author’s story would have been a bit hard to garner sympathy for.

Source: Reddit/ProRevenge

Sometimes karma just needs a little push, or in this instance, a well-aimed toss.

The driver’s phone, and ego, were both left in pieces.

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