Her Friend Didn’t Believe She Was Pals With A Celebrity, So She Refused To Bring Her Along The Next Time They Met Up
by Michael Levanduski
It can be pretty annoying when someone you know tries to call you a liar about something that you know is true.
What would you do if you were friends with a celebrity and another friend didn’t believe you, but then wanted an introduction?
That is what happened to this woman, so she refused to bring her along the next time she went to see her famous pal.
Check out the details below!
AITA for not letting an acquaintance meet a famous friend of mine especially because they didn’t believe I was knew them
A friend from when I was younger is famous and living in Hollywood.
I live about 1.5 hours away.
A while ago someone in my friend group tried to call me out when I had casually mentioned that I knew this famous person.
Pretty reasonable to doubt that claim.
They refused me to believe me and kept asking for proof.
I refused to give it them because I didn’t think I owed someone that, especially someone I don’t know all that well.
I am going to be seeing my friend this weekend.
The acquaintance asked to meet the person (they are a fan).
I declined.
Whether they believe it or not, she doesn’t owe them an introduction.
The acquaintance now claims they “pretty much” believe me and want to meet my friend.
I told them absolutely not because they didn’t believe I was friends with them and I‘m not close to them anyways, so I feel I owe them nothing.
The acquaintance thinks I’m being mean/holding a grudge and that I’m gat keeping my friend by not allowing them to tag along to meet them.
On the one hand, it makes sense to not believe that you know a celebrity.
On the other hand, you don’t owe them an introduction.
Let’s see if the people in the comments had anything to say.
Yeah, it would be weird to bring anyone along.
Good point from this commenter.
Yeah, the celebrity likely wants a ‘normal’ friend from before they were famous.
This is the good kind of gatekeeping.
Yup, there is no reason to introduce her.
She has no right to an introduction.
If they truly are friends, she would consider the celebs feelings in all of this, too.
If you thought that was an interesting story, check out what happened when a family gave their in-laws a free place to stay in exchange for babysitting, but things changed when they don’t hold up their end of the bargain.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, celebrity, friends, introduction, lies, meet and greet, picture, reddit, top

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