Annoying Work Colleague Kept Stealing An Employee’s Lunch, So He Added Hot Sauce To His Meal And The Man Never Stole Anybody’s Lunch Ever Again
by Sarrah Murtaza
Making food is a lot of effort, but it’s usually worth it – especially when you’re good at it!
Wouldn’t it boil your blood if someone stole the lunch you were really looking forward to almost everyday?!
This man had to deal with a lunch thief at work, so he hatched a plan to put a stop to the thefts once and for all.
Check out the full story!
Nailed The Lunch Stealer
At work we had a community fridge where everyone put their lunches.
Everyone had their names on them or at least on their containers.
He was great with food!
I was a chef my entire career but had taken a different job as my career was winding down.
Something to do with my time.
Every job has lunch thieves it seems.
I got mine taken more than others as people knew it was going to be good. I frequently brought fancy sandwiches like banh mi or such.
He knew who the thief was, he just needed to catch them!
I knew or at least suspected who the thief was, a CPA I’ll call Micheal, because that’s his name.
He was on a days-long streak of pilfering so I made a nice big banh mi and spiked the mayo.
Did I mention I also own a hot sauce company? I do.
I took Trinidad scorpion pepper powder from peppers I’d dehydrated and loaded the mayo with it.
This is where it gets interesting!
About an hour before everyone took their lunch break was prime time for lunch thief Michael to go do his dirty work.
I looked in the fridge and sure enough, the skunk took the bait.
As I walked by the bathroom- his preferred hiding/lunch spot- I heard coughing, gagging and finally vomiting.
Really grotesque yet satisfying noises.
The thief was in AGONY!
I casually walked in and looked at the red faced, watery-eyed drooling mess and with much concern asked if he was alright?
He mumbled he wasn’t feeling well and might have to go home.
He was gone the rest of that day and all of the next. Micheal, to my knowledge, never stole anyone’s lunch again.
If only he had been bringing his own lunch, none of this would have happened!
Let’s find out what the Reddit community thinks about this story.
Exactly! This user cracked the story pretty well!
Disgusting isn’t it? The thief ate in the bathroom!
This user find a particular sentence the story hilarious!
This person suggests having a policy against lunch thieves!
This user loves this hot sauce revenge!
That’s right!
The world hates lunch thieves and so do we!
If you liked that post, check out this post about a rude customer who got exactly what they wanted in their pizza.

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