October 17, 2024 at 4:21 pm

Female Driver Kept Honking And Tailgating Their Car On A Highway, So Dad Kept A Steady Speed And Forced Her To Slow Down

by Heide Lazaro

Source: Reddit/ProRevenge/Canva

It’s fun driving and cruising on the road… until someone behind you is in a hurry and starts getting your attention.

This man shares a road story when he and his dad were driving on a throughway with a truck alongside them.

Then suddenly, a woman in her SUV starts honking, flashing her brights, and tailgating them from behind.

Because of this, his dad taught the female driver to “be patient” while on the road.

Read the story for the full details.

Be patient.

So this happened sometime ago, when I was riding shotgun driving with my dad down a throughway.

It was a two-lane throughway that has a speed limit of 65 mph.

My dad was going about 72 mph, and would go into the left lane to pass slower cars.

Then he would get back into the right lane.

A woman in her SUV starts honking at them.

We come up to this truck that is either doing the speed limit, or going slightly over.

So, my dad pulls into the left lane again to pass.

And then when we are about neck and neck with this truck, this woman in a big ol’ SUV comes like a bat out of hell and is behind my dad.

She starts honking the horn, and you can tell she is losing it being behind my dad.

This son’s dad got annoyed by the woman’s behavior.

I think what made my father mad was how all of a sudden this woman was going off the deep end, tailgating, flashing her brights, and honking the horn.

What I found weird was my dad decided to just match the speed of the truck next to him.

So, he matched the truck’s speed and blocked her even longer.

The revenge: He stayed at the same speed as this truck for about a mile or two.

This lady is going bat crap the entire time.

I asked my dad why he was doing this, and why he didn’t just pass the truck and let this woman be on her way and out of her life.

He then slows down a little.

He looked at me and said, “Son, it is not ok for people to act like that.”

Now, at this point, there is a long line of cars in the left lane behind my dad.

He slows down a little as if to have the truck on the right pass him.

But speeds up again, taking a long line of other vehicles behind him.

As soon as this crazy lady see this, she switches lanes.

My dad speeds up, and takes a whole train full of cars with him as everyone passes this lady who is now stuck in the right lane.

Not the best revenge story, but it was just cool how calm my dad was, and made that lady learn a little patience.

Let’s see what other users have to say about this.

Let’s look at other possibilities, shall we?

Source: Reddit/ProRevenge

It can be dangerous, says this user.

Source: Reddit/ProRevenge

People are siding with the poor lady.

Source: Reddit/ProRevenge

Same with this one.

Source: Reddit/ProRevenge

Finally, this one says it’s not revenge.

Source: Reddit/ProRevenge

But what if it really was an emergency, and the dad was just being a jerk to the poor lady?

No one can tell now, can we?

If you liked this post, check out this story about an employee who got revenge on a co-worker who kept grading their work suspiciously low.