He And His Stepson Are Different Races, And Things Got Weird When A Lady At The Supermarket Tried To “Save” His Stepson From Being Kidnapped
by Michael Levanduski
Families come in all types, so sometimes a parent won’t look just like their child.
What would you do if a stranger thought that you were a kidnapper because your stepson wasn’t the same race as you, so she grabs your child and tries to get away?
That is what happened to the stepfather in this story and things escalated quickly until the police could come and figure it out.
You’re not going to want to miss this one.
Crazy Lady accuses me of kidnapping my step son. Tries to kidnap him from me..
So this happened about a week ago and I honestly am still fuming from this.
First a little backstory.
I’m a mixed ethnicity individual.
I’ve been confused for many races over the course of my 29 years on this planet but I’m literally Caucasian and African American.
Usually it can be figured, out but the difference with me is my father is the Caucasian so therefore my hair is straight.
I’m originally from Texas and am usually confused for being Mexican.
But now I live in Massachusetts and I’ve never had an issue with anyone concerning my race, until this day.
Also I am married to a Caucasian woman who had a child before we were married.
His father is not in his life as much and I took the responsibility because I love this woman and I love this little boy as if he were my own.
He’s 4 now and I’ve been in his life since he was 1.
Anyways onto the story.
My wife needed a few things from the grocery store and she needed to run a few more errands.
Usually she just goes and knocks things out herself because I’m sleep (I work nights) but this particular day I happened to be awake and I offered to go for her.
She works hard and does a lot so I definitely felt it was necessary to do something for her so she could just relax for the day.
I took my son with me so she could rest up and just take it easy and it gave me time to spend with my son for some bonding.
We completed all of the errands which went smoothly and then headed to the grocery store to finish up our day.
Sounds like a fun kid.
My son being a typical four year old was full of energy running ahead of me laughing and speaking to everyone he comes across.
Which I generally don’t mind as long as he doesn’t hit anyone and stays within eye view.
As I’m making my way down an aisle looking for canned corn, my son jogs to the end of it when an older lady is entering at the other end.
My son being the sweet social butterfly he is, approached and exclaims an excited “Hi! Me 4 and me Ryan!”
Bless his little heart.
The lady looked down and says “well hello there. You shouldn’t be running around unattended, let’s go find your parents.”
I didn’t think anything of her statement because I assumed she just hadn’t seen me. “Ryan! Come back here bud, please!”
He excitedly runs back toward me and starts turning in circles because you know, he’s 4 lol.
I’m still searching the shelves as the lady walks past me and stops behind me.
Again I think nothing of it because it’s a grocery store and you have to share the aisles.
I turn my basket around and start to walk toward the front cash registers when this lady literally blocks my path.
I say excuse me and try to walk around her and she moves her cart in front of me again.
I honestly thought she was just getting confused and said excuse me once again and tried one more time to go around and she just blocks my path.
Better safe than sorry I guess, maybe she is trying to be helpful.
The following convo ensues:
Me: Um sorry about that we’ll get out of your way.
Lady: Oh I don’t think so! You’re not going anywhere with that child!
Me: You mean my son?
Lady: That’s not your child! He’s white! And you’re Mexican. You probably didn’t even know his name until he said it to me!
Me: Sure whatever lady, can you just move? My wife is at home and anxiously awaiting for us.
Lady: Stop your lies. You’re not taking him anywhere you pervert!
This whole time my son is standing close to me holding my leg because he was honestly getting scared.
I was getting angry because I hadn’t had much sleep and I have a short fuse anyway (thanks dad).
Me: As you can see he’s standing close to me because he trusts me and you’re scaring him so how about you buzz off?
Lady: No! He’s scared because of you! He just doesn’t know how to express it yet.
She looks at my son
Lady: Come on now sweetie, I’m here to rescue you. Come with me.
Thankfully my son was able to communicate to her he wasn’t going anywhere with her.
But she was having NONE of it.
She literally grabbed my son and began to run.
It caught me off guard because I honestly could not fathom what was actually happening.
My son starts screaming loudly because he was so scared and this lady is just like “don’t worry sweetie he won’t hurt you I promise!”
Suddenly I snap back into reality and I begin to chase after this crazy wench.
While running through the store, I yell for people to stop her and that she’s kidnapping my son and thankfully a worker stops her before she makes the exit.
Grandson? Wow.
Lady: Why are you stopping me? This Mexican here is trying to kidnap my grandson!
My son literally is balling his eyes out and extending his arms out calling for me.
This lady was relentless and would not let go until my son even after he slaps her face multiple times.
I laughed a little not gonna lie.
At this point a manager shows up and asks what’s going on.
The lady spoke before me
Lady: This (pointing at me) pervert is trying to kidnap my grandson and I was just trying to escape!
Me: That’s my son you psycho. Now let him go.
The manager didn’t know what to believe.
I don’t blame him he was caught in a weird situation.
So I pulled out my phone and showed him pictures of me and my son that dated a year or so back as proof.
This lady still would not give up and accused me of faking them.
Like how would you do that exactly?
I’ll never know but whatever.
Sadly, there were two other ladies there taking the psycho’s side and said I was attempting to kidnap my own son because there was no way we were family because of our different skin tones.
One even called the police, which I was actually happy about because I knew they’d be able to review the security cameras.
Smart move to call mom in.
Even still, I called my wife to see if she could come to the store to get this situation cleared up quicker.
As soon I told her what was going on, she zoomed to the store.
She got there about the same time as the police.
The crazy ladies were giving their statement to the cops when my wife walked in.
As soon as she walked in, my son goes “mama help!”
My wife is a true mama bear and she immediately flew into a rage when she saw this lady holding my son.
Wife: Let him go NOW!
Lady: Sorry sweetie I was just trying to protect him from this pervert over here.
Lady 2: Yeah we saw him trying to kidnap him but this lady saved him!
The cop looks at the lady and is confused.
Officer: I thought this was your grandson?
Wife: I have no idea who that lady is.
She takes out her phone and shows the officer a picture of my mother in law.
Lady: Ok I’m sorry he’s not my grandson but I was only trying to protect him from this dirty pervert over here!
Lady 2: Yeah I witnessed the whole thing, he snatched that child and tried to run away with him but this lady stopped it!
Lady 3: Yes I saw it too. He needs to be arrested. And you (pointing to my wife) should be thankful that this lady was here to save your son because you obviously just let him loose wherever!
Wife: Who are you talking about again?
All three crazy ladies pointed at me
Wife: Oh you mean my husband?!
Lady 1: Husband??
Wife: Yeah who do you think called me and got me here so fast?!
Seems like he would have presented his ID immediately.
I presented my ID to the officer and the manager and my wife did the same.
We also each showed pictures of us on our phones to prove we were really a family.
The cop nodded in approval and handed us our phones back and jotted down a few notes.
The three ladies for some reason still kept trying to say this was all fake and my wife was in on the kidnapping and said we needed to be arrested.
My wife lost it at this point and let off some colorful words I won’t repeat here but she definitely got her point across.
Then the nail in the coffin came for the psycho trio.
The office turned to the manager and asks:
Officer: Sir, do the cameras work here?
Manager: Yes, we have them inside and out.
Officer: Ok great let’s go review.
The three ladies faces went pale. Like ghostly pale.
The officer reviewed the outside camera as I pulled into the parking lot and saw me take my son out of my car and then as I went up and down the aisles and most importantly the instance the woman snatched up my son and began to run.
This lady really doesn’t learn.
Upon his return he asks:
Officer: Would you like to press charges?
Lady 1: Yes I would!
Officer: Why would I be asking you that question? Shut your mouth and sit down.
He turns to me and repeats the question
Me: Absolutely.
Lady one was charged with attempted kidnapping, false imprisonment, providing a false police report and child endangerment.
The other two were also charged with providing a false police report as well.
To make matters worse for lady 1, my son bruises easily and she left some terrible spots on him from where she was grasping him, but he’s fine.
This added a charge of child abuse to her rap sheet.
I have court later this year.
The officer will be following up with me in a few weeks.
I’m all for being overly cautious when it comes to protecting kids, but these ladies were crazy.
Let’s see what other people in the comments have to say.
Honestly, I doubt she’ll serve a day in jail.
Yeah, she needs to learn a lesson.
Some people are just rude.
Why is it so hard to understand that families look different.
I wonder how the son is doing too.
This woman needs to be locked away.
He was living every parent’s worst nightmare.
If you liked that post, check out this story about a customer who insists that their credit card works, and finds out that isn’t the case.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · entitled people, kidnapping, parenting, picture, police, reddit, step parent, stranger, top

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