‘Story time!’ – Employee Talked About How Her Planned Day Off From Work Went All Wrong
by Matthew Gilligan
Isn’t it just the worst when you plan to take a day off to relax and then you get dragged back into working for one reason or another?
And if you’ve been there before, this story from a TikTokker named Ashley might strike a chord with you.
She said she was working an at-home job for a call center when it all went down.
Ashley said that she was so busy during her work days that she never had time to catch her breath and said that the calls never stopped.
She then admitted that she unplugged her Wifi every Saturday, even though she was supposed to be working an 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. shift on those days.
Ashley lied and told her boss that she had Wifi issues and she sent her boss proof that she was offline when she was supposed to be working.
Here’s the first video in the series.
@heyslim498 Storytimeee #storytimes #storytime #fyp #workfromhome #gettingfired
In a follow-up video, Ashley said she unplugged on another Saturday and decided to go to Cicis Pizza with her family instead of working.
But then she got a call that her boss wanted to meet with her…
@heyslim498 Storytimeee #workfromhome #gettingfired #fyp #callcenterlife #storytime #messystorytime
In Ashley’s third video in the series, she said that her boss had called her Internet provider and learned that Ashley was simply unplugging her Wi-Fi and that there was no real problem.
In the end, Ashley was fired from her job.
@heyslim498 Storytime #workfromhome #gettingfiredstory #fyp #storytimes
And this is how folks responded on TikTok.
This person asked a question.
Another viewer shared their thoughts.
And this individual didn’t hold back.
That didn’t go well!
If you liked that story, check out this one about a Costco customer who got their cart stolen… so she hatched a plan to get it back!

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