Coworker Pretended To Be So Close To The Company President That He Knew His Kids, But He Didn’t Realize His Coworker Was One Of The President’s Kids
by Jayne Elliott
If you get a job at a company because your dad’s the boss, that’s not necessarily something you’d want to brag.
After all, your coworkers might treat you differently.
In today’s story, the boss’s kid flies under the radar, but a coworker is the one bragging about being super close to the president of the company.
Eventually the truth comes out.
Let’s see how the story plays out…
Oh, you’re close with the boss? I am too!
Back around 2000-2002, my dad and a friend of his started a company.
They put it in the grueling and overwhelming amount of work necessary for it to have grown exponentially over the last 20 years.
A couple years ago, they had an opening for a technical editor, and my dad offered me the position.
(I would just like to say that I am so unbelievably grateful for this and I always will be, and I’m very mindful of the fact that I have to tread lightly sometimes!).
Every year during the holiday season they, like most businesses, throw a holiday party.
They have several around the country so every office has one, but the main one is where corporate is headquartered.
The first year I attended the party, nobody knew who I was.
I tend not to share who I’m related to (for obvious reasons) unless somebody asks.
It’s not a secret by any means but it’s not something I shout from the rooftops.
She introduces us to Holden…
Anyways, the bar opened an hour before the party technically started and, since it’s an open bar, a few people were already quite a few drinks in.
I went up to get a drink and somebody (who I’ve never met) introduced himself to me in a pretty rude and arrogant way.
I’m talking “you probably already know who I am but if you don’t, you should. I’m Holden (fake name).”
He was clearly pretty drunk, but it’s a party and I didn’t blame him.
Holden said he knew “the president” which is her dad.
I shook his hand and tried to walk away, but he wouldn’t stop talking about how important he was to the company.
I smiled and nodded and oh and aww-ed for quite a while, even as he spilled his drinks on me from gesturing wildly.
Eventually he told me “I’m also really close with the president!”
This interested me quite a bit because that was my dad and I had literally never heard this person’s name.
Not a problem though because I didn’t know all his friends.
Holden even claims to know the president’s family.
But this dude kept going, here’s how that conversation went.
H: Yeah, you could pretty much call us family friends.
Me: Really? You know his family?
H: Oh yeah! Of course! We’ve all gotten together a few times, his kids love me.
Me: Wow, that’s pretty cool.
The way Holden ended the conversation was the last straw.
I wasn’t planning on saying anything because he was drunk ,and it didn’t really matter to me.
However, he then turns around and says, “Ok, well I have more interesting people to talk to now!”
And walked away.
I was LIVID.
First of all, you split your dirty martinis all over me so I smelled like olives, you were kind of a jerk from the get go, you waste 30 minutes bragging about yourself, and then you tell me I’m uninteresting?
Holden was chatting with her parents.
So I waited until the perfect moment when the party had started to taper off a bit.
Our Homebody Holden was still there, even more drunk than he was before.
He eventually made his way over to my dad and mom, chatting them up and whatnot.
I sidle over to the group and he gives me a stink eye, probably thinking I’m trying to cozy up to them too.
All she had to do to get revenge was walk up to her dad.
The look of horror on his face when my dad hugs me and kisses me on the cheek and says, “Hey honey. Your brother is coming to pick us up, do you need a ride?”
Was indescribable.
It was a combination of “I think I just crapped my pants” and “I’m going to yeet myself out this window immediately.”
It was genuinely one of the best small revenges of my life.
Holden hasn’t held a grudge.
In case anybody wonders, him and I laugh about the incident now and it’s not a big deal.
It’s a funny story that I like to tell!
I also would like to say that I hope I don’t come across as entitled or bratty.
Like I said, I’m so grateful for the opportunity I was handed and I work very hard to prove my worth!
It’s actually her dad that got revenge without even knowing it.
I wonder if she ever told her dad what Holden said.
Let’s see how Reddit reacted…
This reader shares a similar story…
Another reader wouldn’t have gone on to become civil with Holden.
This reader loved this story.
Another reader reassured her that she doesn’t seem entitled.
I wonder if the dad noticed the expression on Holden’s face.
Priceless, for sure.
If you liked that post, check out this one about an employee that got revenge on HR when they refused to reimburse his travel.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · christmas party, coworker, dad, drunk, party, petty revenge, picture, reddit, top

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