Divided Parents Can’t Decide If They Want To Keep Pushing Their Daughter To Continue Her Sports Or Give Her A Break
by Sarrah Murtaza
It’s okay for a pair of parents to have different views on parenting, or about what’s best for their child.
The tricky part is finding a balance and coming to an agreement that can work for everyone.
This couple is stuck on that last part, and don’t agree on whether or not to pull their daughter from sports.
When the husband makes a unilateral decision, things get even rockier.
Check out the full story.
WIBTA if I withdrew my daughter from sports against my wife’s wishes.
My daughter (15f)is a competitive gymnast.
Her team travels all over the country to compete.
His daughter is physically exhausted!
She is a sophomore in High school and wants to stop competing because her body hurts.
She is at the gym 14 hours a week, she lacks the drive and passion for the sport and she wants to do more high school things and concentrate on her studies.
She is a honor roll student and takes AP classes in sophomore year.
The wife has opposing views…
My wife (43f) is against it because my daughter’s season just started and she made a commitment to the team and she should see it through.
We also spent $1,800 this summer on camps and sessions to help her get better.
She has her concerns.
She thinks my daughter will be become lazy and want to hang out with friends and her chores and school work will suffer.
I (43m)understand my wife’s point about the commitment to the team and the money.
I also understand my daughters point about being sore as I used to be weightlifter and wanting to be more active in high school.
I am trying to find middle ground but I don’t think it exists.
He is torn between the two ladies!
My gut is to protect my daughter and withdraw her but I know it will put me in the dog house big time.
I feel stuck between a rock and hard place.
It’s either the wife wanting what’s best for the daughter’s future, or the husband wanting her well being.
Let’s find out what folks on Reddit have to say about it.
This user thinks the mother is insane for prioritizing the team.
That’s right! This person knows the money isn’t coming but saving the daughter is more important.
This person knows that body pains aren’t a joke.
This makes sense. The girl might have more time for education!
This user suggests to trust the gut and do what feels right.
However tricky, a parent will always make the best choice for their children.
Even if their partner doesn’t agree.
If you enjoyed this story, check out this post about a daughter who invited herself to her parents’ 40th anniversary vacation for all the wrong reasons.

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