She Needed Rest And Relaxation After A Major Surgery, But Her Thoughtless Partner Invited Chaos Into Their Home
by Benjamin Cottrell
Recovering from surgery often means prioritizing rest and a peaceful environment, but this woman’s environment was about to get a lot less peaceful.
When her partner thoughtlessly agrees to hosting a sleepover for six teenage boys without consulting her first, she’s wondering why her wellbeing was so easy for him to overlook.
You’ll want to read on for this one.
AITA for leaving home after my partner let his son invite 5 friends for a sleepover when I’m recovering from major surgery, without discussing it with me first?
I (44F) had major surgery last week. I am home recovering and off work for 2 weeks, with 4-6 weeks recommended before resuming life relatively ‘normally’.
She was looking forward to having plenty of space to relax, until her partner informs her of some last minute plans.
My partner (42M) informed me late yesterday afternoon that his son (13M) was having 5 friends for a sleepover tonight.
It’s now Saturday where I live.
I had no prior knowledge that he’d allowed his son to organize this and it’s for no special reason, it’s just because.
I was instantly upset.
She couldn’t believe he would plan something like this without her input, but he doesn’t see why it’s such a big deal.
I asked why he would agree to that, not only without speaking to me first, but also when I’m just home from hospital and recovering from major surgery.
His response was that he didn’t think it would affect me and he just forgot to mention it.
To her, this oversight speaks volumes.
I started crying, saying that I felt so uncared for and that he was being inconsiderate of my healing and recovery.
He continued to reiterate that he didn’t see how it should affect me and that it wasn’t a big deal.
He says if she hates it so much, she should just leave, so she packed up right then and there.
He suggested that if it bothered me that much, I could go and stay at my Mums for the night.
I didn’t wait until the next day (today, Saturday), so I packed a suitcase and drove myself to my Mums right then even though I’m not supposed to be driving yet.
Even after she’s gone, the two still can’t come to an agreement.
He has sent messages saying I’m overreacting and that he still doesn’t think it’s a big deal.
I don’t understand how he thinks an additional 5 teenage boys in a house with 1 toilet and the living space right next to our bedroom where I’m supposed to be resting and recovering won’t affect me.
AITA for leaving right away, when in fact, I don’t think I should have left at all.
I think the sleepover should have been cancelled for another time?
Priorities speak volumes – and his left a lot to be desired.
What did Reddit think?
This commenter wonders just how thoughtless someone has to be to make an oversight like this.
One thing’s for sure: The partner could learn a thing or two about the TLC a major surgery requires.
This redditor wonders where else his carelessness manifests itself in their relationship.
Not only did her partner neglect her needs, he’s actually gaslighting her now too.
Ultimately, she chose her health over household chaos, but her partner should have never forced her to chose.
Make no mistake, her healing should take the utmost priority.
If you liked this post, you might want to read this story about a teacher who taught the school’s administration a lesson after they made a sick kid take a final exam.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, couples, Couples fighting, inconsiderate husband, marriage, medical procedure, picture, recovery, reddit, Sleepovers, surgery, teenagers, top

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