After Overhearing Her Grandparents Talking Bad About Her Mother, She Called Them Out In Front Of Everyone And Now The Whole Family Is Arguing
by Michael Levanduski
When a large family gets together for a dinner, it can be a great time, but it can also result in some serious drama.
What would you do if you overheard your grandparents talking bad about your mother?
That is what the child in this story experienced, so she called them out in front of everyone.
Let’s see how the story plays out…
AITA for calling out my grandparents for stuff they said to my mom in front of their friends and extended family?
My parents and I (16f) spent Saturday with my dad’s family.
So when my mom went MIA for a bit longer than usual I went looking for her and found her upset.
She said nothing was wrong.
But an hour later I heard my grandparents call her a bad mom and I stopped and admittedly I eavesdropped on what they were saying.
These grandparents seem awful.
They were saying mom should be ashamed for crying where I could see and how did my dad ever let her raise me with him when she abandoned me when I was a baby for weeks and didn’t even care about me back then.
They said mom was a lunatic and should be ashamed of herself for ruining my life.
The context to that is my mom had PPP (post-partum psychosis) after I was born. She got really sick and spent 11 weeks in a hospital/treatment center to help her because she was really at risk.
It took awhile for OP’s dad to get OP’s mom the help she needed.
My dad tried to get her help but a lot of people dismissed him.
I was maybe 8 or 9 weeks old before someone took him seriously and helped him with mom and got her the help she needed.
The experience left them both with trauma and it took mom a long time to recover fully. But when she had, they were afraid to risk more kids and so they decided they were one and done with me.
I’ve always been aware of this.
No child should hear that.
So hearing my grandparents speak to mom like that was awful.
Mom left them while I was still eavesdropping and she pulled me away and said it was okay.
A while later a group of us were in the kitchen eating and my grandparents were making comments about how lucky some people were to have lots of grandkids and how much it helps when each kid has more than one.
My dad was mad at them.
OP confronted the grandparents.
That’s when I brought up how mean they were to make more digs at mom.
I called them out on it. I said it was disgusting and mom didn’t deserve what they said.
My grandparents told me that I didn’t understand and I know they love me.
I said they sure didn’t talk like that.
She is really standing up for herself and her mom.
I said calling my mom a lunatic and rubbing it in her face that she only had me and no more with dad, when they know she was sick after me, made it seem like they I wasn’t enough for them.
I also said it was mean to shame a woman who made the safest choice for her family.
My dad was furious with his parents and asked what the heck was going on.
They slipped up and basically confessed that they’d been saying mean things to mom since I was a baby and always went behind everyone’s backs so we wouldn’t know.
It is good that Dad is defending her.
They tried to lecture me about calling them out but dad shut it down and asked me and mom to wait in the car.
Apparently some of the extended family are anti-me now for calling out my grandparents in front of others and my grandparents are also saying how disrespectful I am.
Dad raged at anyone who blamed me.
Maybe handling it privately would have been better, but this kid is not at fault.
But I do wonder if I should have handled it more privately?
Like telling dad instead of calling them out like that.
That is a hard situation for sure, but however it should have been handled, the grandparents are truly at fault.
Read on to see what the people on Reddit have to say in the comments.
This person thinks she did the best thing she could have.
Here is someone calling the grandparents cruel.
This commenter thinks she is brave.
Here is someone who says she did well by defending her mom.
If they can dish it out, they can take it.
Great job standing up to the bullies!
If you thought that was an interesting story, check this one out about a man who created a points system for his inheritance, and a family friend ends up getting almost all of it.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, extended family, family, family drama, gossip, grandparents, kids, overheard, parents, picture, Post Partum, reddit, top

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