Annoying Coworker Brags About His Bike, So Another Coworker Messes With It And Makes It Impossible To Ride
by Jayne Elliott
Riding a bike can be very enjoyable, but in today’s story, the bike is part of a plot for revenge!
Nobody likes hearing someone brag all the time, so a coworker gets revenge via the bragging coworkers bike.
Let’s see what he does…
Enjoy pushing your pushbike!
Some years back, I had this annoying co-worker.
It’s not like I’m the only one who thought so; this guy got on everybody’s nerves.
A couple of examples of things he did that teed people off: He’d point out, to supervisors, every small infraction other employees made.
Two minutes late? He’d tell someone.
Punch in before going to your locker, rather than after?
He’d rat you out.
He also liked to brag.
He also had the best of everything, no matter what anyone else had.
Took a trip? He went somewhere nicer, and stayed longer.
Got a car? He got a higher model, and paid less.
He called his bluff!
Anyways, in keeping with the ‘he always has the best’, he started to brag about his new bike, and most of the time, the boasting was directed at me.
I figure this is because I used to bike to work, and he identified me as a bike nerd (to be fair, I was a bit of a bike nerd back in the day).
Anyways, when I finally got tired of his bragging, I told him I didn’t believe him, and I’d be surprised if he could even ride a bike.
He got huffy, and told me he’d ride it to work the next day, and prove it to me.
Okay, game on.
He messed with the bike!
The next day, when locking up my bike in the bike parkade, I noticed one that had to be his- it was new, shiny, and matched the brand and color he’d been bragging about.
It was only a couple minutes’ work to take my bike tool kit (complete with crank puller that normally doesn’t live in the kit, and was a visiting guest for the day), pop off his left crank, and put it back on, rotated 180 degrees.
Good luck riding that bike home.
Sounds like the revenge was effective.
If memory serves, he had to call his friend to come pick him up, and drive him home.
I still don’t know how he got the crank put back on the right way, but my guess is he actually brought it into his LBS and had them do it for $$.
I do, however, remember that he bragged a little less after that day.
That was kind of mean, but I get it.
At least it was effective revenge.
Let’s see how Reddit feels about this story…
This is a good point.
The coworker sounds a lot like this reader’s uncle!
Here’s another bike story…
Here’s the perspective of a bike nerd…
Quick, easy, effective – the triple threat for revenge!
We love to see it!
If you liked that post, check out this one about an employee that got revenge on HR when they refused to reimburse his travel.

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