Boss Was Strict About Sick Leave And Required Proof Of Doctor’s Appointment, So Employee Sent Indisputable Proof of His Medical Procedure
by Heide Lazaro
Some bosses can be incredibly unreasonable. For example, if someone has a lot of doctor’s appointments, it can be annoying to require that person to provide a doctor’s note as proof of every appointment.
This man talks about their new supervisor who requires a doctor’s note or proof of medical appointments from everyone who takes sick leave.
He has a colleague who has various medical conditions, and this colleague got more creative than just turning in a doctor’s note!
Check out the full details below!
Sick leave needs a note
Old work friend, whom we will call “Jessie,” is a retired US marine.
He’s a Guamanian, chill as hell, and untouchable.
He was the coolest guys you’d ever meet, personable, and hardworker.
Can’t say enough good things about him.
Now, meet their new boss…
Our supervisor was brand new, and one of these perpetual “yes men.”
Anything the middle and upper management mentioned even in passing was holy gospel for this guy.
I tell you, his lips were brown and he did everything in his power to kiss the starfish.
Regardless of the impact on everyone’s personal life, or work environment, it didn’t even register with this guy.
Zero foxes given for his people, just whoever was above him.
Jessie was looking to retire due to different health issues.
Jessie, being older, was looking at retirement.
Between the Corp and his civvie job, he was done doing a 9 to 5.
He was beginning to have health issues, and had frequent doctors appointments.
Many employees want to take vacation leave during the holidays.
Right around the holidays, everyone wants to take a leave, and we have a 50% staffing policy pretty much across the board at work.
No more than half of our shop can be off at the same time.
So, it gets pretty cutthroat around Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Everyone wants to flounce out for the holidays.
But the new boss was strict about it.
New boss wants to be the personal savior of everything in the company.
He tells everyone that we are gonna do a 75% staff instead, and proceeds to shut down all of our leave slips.
So, everyone gets “sick.”
A doctor’s note was required as proof of sick leave.
Boss gets mad and demands doctor’s notes for all sick days, appointments, and anything outside of work.
Well, we all have pretty good insurance, so a 25$ co-pay is now a “day off bounty.”
And there is pretty much a mutiny in the shop over this jerk’s continuous stream of stupid policy.
This hits Jessie especially hard.
He’s got a host of stuff breaking down in his old body.
So Jessie read the union contract and found a loophole.
After about the sixth or seventh time the new boss verbally dresses down Jessie for taking excessive sick time, he finally snaps.
You want notes? You got em!
He went through the union contract, and discovered that documentation doesn’t have to be from an actual doctor.
Need a day because you felt sick? All you need per the union contract is a receipt for a bottle of Tylenol.
Dentist appointment? The reminder note for your next appointment.
Jessie gave a photo of his colon as “proof.”
The crown jewel of the shenanigans was his colonoscopy.
Jessie got the proctologist to screenshot a picture of the inside of his colon, and used it as his “note.”
He retired a champion.
Place isn’t the same without him.
Hahaha! That was funny. Jessie sounds like an amazing guy.
Now, let’s see what others have to say about this story on Reddit.
This user is amused!
This person appreciates the story too.
This user shares their company policy.
This person agrees that the pictures are proof.
People are loving Jessie!
Dear new boss, be careful what you ask for!
If you liked that story, check out this post about an oblivious CEO who tells a web developer to “act his wage”… and it results in 30% of the workforce being laid off.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · colonoscopy, doctors note, malicious compliance, picture, proof, reddit, sick leave, top

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