Her Boyfriend Picked Her Up So She Wouldn’t Have To Carry Heavy University Books Home By Herself, But He Was Hurt She Wouldn’t Validate His “Extra” Help
by Jayne Elliott
Carrying a pile of heavy books, like college textbooks, can be really difficult to do by yourself.
That’s why the woman in today’s story asks her boyfriend to help her.
The problem is that even though he technically helped her, she didn’t really think he was helpful.
Now they’re both annoyed at each other.
Let’s see what exactly happened…
AITA for not agreeing with my boyfriend that he “helped”?
Today, I went to pick up eight university books.
I had planned to do it alone, bringing everything I’d need to carry them home by bus.
On the way, my friend mentioned how heavy the books were when she picked them up the other day and suggested I ask my boyfriend for help, since he has a car.
I told her the street is busy, and he’s a medical rep, often on the go. But after her suggestion, I decided to ask him anyway.
She called her boyfriend to see if he could help.
I arrived with 30 minutes to spare, so I called him.
I explained that it’d be great if he could help, but only if it was convenient for both of us, or if we could grab a beverage before or after work since I hadn’t seen him in a week.
Otherwise no problem, I was planning to do it alone anyways.
He insisted on helping, so we agreed I’d call when I was ready.
He picked her up and then drove to valet park the car.
Once I called, he picked me up basically from the bus stop I would wait at to take my bus and took us to a parking lot a minute away where they valet-parked his car.
Half the books were in my backpack, and the rest were in a bag, so I grabbed only my phone and wallet, assuming we’d spend some time together.
When I asked if I needed anything else, he told me to hurry so the valet could park the car.
It turns out her boyfriend didn’t have time to hang out.
We walked for a bit, and then he asked, “So, what are you going to do now?”
Surprised, I said, “I thought we’d hang out, so I just brought my phone and wallet.”
He replied that he had to work.
I said I’d just browse some shops, since I don’t have my keys to go home and study.
I followed for a bit until he reached the first doctor he would visit.
After saying goodbye, I wandered around for a couple of hours, hoping we’d meet up afterward.
Her boyfriend still didn’t have time to hang out.
At 7, he called, saying he’d just finished work, so I suggested we go for a beverage.
He said he thought it 8 and that he will continue working after all.
We met at the parking lot, and he drove me home, but he didn’t come up to stay since he had gym at 9.
Her boyfriend felt like he was helpful.
At this point, I was a bit sad that I didn’t get to spend much time with him and I didn’t get to study, though I wasn’t mad—just a miscommunication.
We brought the books upstairs, and when we got outside again, we hugged, kissed and I told him I missed him.
He replied, “But hey, I helped you!”
I didn’t respond immediately, and not wanting to sound negative, I said, “I’m just glad I got to see you a bit!.”
She didn’t seem to appreciate his “help.”
He pressed, “Didn’t I help?”
I repeated myself.
He got upset and frustrated, saying my response made him feel unappreciated, and that he just wanted to help.
I thanked for the effort, but he seemed hurt, said goodbye, and drove off pretty much.
She wonders if she should’ve told her boyfriend he helped.
AITA for not explicitly saying he helped?
I feel like it would be lying, what happened didn’t feel helpful at all.
He seemed really upset, and he doesn’t often help, so I feel he might be even less inclined to in the future.
Her boyfriend did help her by picking her up.
She could’ve acknowledged that the day just didn’t go the way she hoped it would.
Let’s see how Reddit reacted to this story…
This reader thinks the boyfriend was inconsiderate.
Another reader understands both sides of the story.
She needs to explain her side of the story to her boyfriend.
Why didn’t she go back to valet and get her books out of the car?
It’s too bad her friend ever suggested asking her boyfriend to pick her up.
I’m not sure these two are going to make it.
If you liked that post, check out this story about a guy who was forced to sleep on the couch at his wife’s family’s house, so he went to a hotel instead.

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