Her Mother Kept Being Critical Of Her Smile In A Family Picture, So This Lady Stormed Off And Skipped Family Dinner
by Michael Levanduski
Every family is unique and sometimes you have to put up with people’s quirks to get along.
What would you do if your mother was always critical and wouldn’t let things go, even in front of your kids?
That is what the young mother in this story is dealing with, so finally she had enough and stormed away.
Check it out.
AITA for ruining our family dinner after a comment about my smile?
We’re currently on a family vacation.
Myself, husband, two kids and my parents.
A little background… my mother is odd and my dad has commented as long as I can remember that she and l are like oil and water.
I can’t even put her oddness completely into words, other than to say she feels competitive over my father’s attention- not even with just me, but also with her grandsons.
She does seem weird.
If my father wants to read them a story, or tuck them in bed, she interrupts and tells him it’s time for him to go to sleep.
It’s incredibly cringy to watch.
The other pertinent fact is that I have chronic pain- every avenue has been exhausted, my successful career is gone.
My mother always downplays it acting like I just have a little headache when she knows that I am never not in pain.
In contrast, she is constantly looking for a reason to see a new doctor- every tiny twinge is the end of the world for her.
So tonight we were set to go out for our first family dinner.
We get to the lobby, everyone’s dressed up and it’s decorated for Christmas, so l’m getting pictures.
I finally ask my dad if he would take a picture of our family of 4.
As we’re posing with our children in front, I see my mother go right up next to my dad and yell out, “Stop that! You need to fix your smile.”
I honestly think she’s talking to one of our boys.
Since I can’t see their faces, I add in, “ok, nice smiles”.
This is way out of line, especially in front of the kids.
However, my mom interjects again, “No, you, (my name)! Your smile is horrible! It looks like ‹she takes her fingers, puts them on each side of her mouth and pulls one up and one down while tilting her head›!”
I’m honestly baffled as I am genuinely smiling.
I realize that my smile probably doesn’t extend up to my eyes like it used to as a result of the pain, but she’s acting like I was doing a goofy face.
I go to reset and she once again yells, “Stop making that face!”
At this point I’m angry.
I leave the pose, get the phone from my dad, pick up my purse and start walking towards the restaurant.
But she’s not done.
Wow mom, just let it go.
She hurries after me and continues to tell me how I need to look at the photos to see how awful my smile was.
I did. It was not! There was NOTHING wrong with the picture!
The fact that she kept going on and on justifying her actions, l was finally just done.
I certainly don’t blame her.
I stopped walking, told my husband I’m sorry but I’m going to go back to the room and that he and the kids can go to dinner without me.
I was on fire with anger which gave way to tears as soon as I was out of her presence.
So in her mind (and maybe everyone else’s) I’m the one who ruined dinner, and I probably did.
I should be able to just let her words roll off me.
Chronic pain can take so much away.
I feel such a shell of my former self from everything l’ve lost to this devouring pain- now I can’t even smile correctly!
However, I’m pretty sure I’m being TA to the people I love the most and that makes the whole thing even worse.
This mother sounds insane and even if her smile was weird, she should be nicer about it.
Let’s read what some of the top commenters had to say.
This person suggests cutting off the mom.
I’d never travel with her again.
This is emotional abuse.
Yup, get them out of there.
I 100% agree with this.
This mom is way out of line.
Why would she treat her daughter that way?
If you liked that story, read this one about grandparents who set up a college fund for their grandkid because his parents won’t, but then his parents want to use the money to cover sibling’s medical expenses.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, chronic pain, family, family pictures, family vacation, mother, picture, pictures, reddit, smile, top

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