Mom Keeps Telling All The Kids They Can Go On Pony Rides On Her Daughter’s Horse, But Her Daughter Doesn’t Want To Keep Sharing
by Jayne Elliott
Even when you’re all grown up and live on your own, sometimes parents try to dictate what you can and cannot do.
Such as in today’s story where a mom keeps showing up with a group of kids who expect pony rides on her daughter’s horse.
Her daughter is not okay with this.
Let’s see how the story plays out…
AITA Refusing to allow some kids a pony ride? … All hell breaks loose
Long story short I(f43) have owned my horse for over 20 years after rescuing her from a knackery as a 4 month old foal (story in itself).
I keep her in a huge field 24/7 with other horses and she is the absolute apple of my eye.
Her mom keeps telling people they can ride her horse.
I don’t mind people saying hi to her over the fence, we live in the suburbs so obviously it’s going to happen.
What I HATE is how my mother keeps offering her friends grandkids pony rides.
Neither my horse or I are kid uh…people.
Her mom is mad at her.
I’m sick of showing up at the property to be met with a gaggle of kids expecting a pony ride.
I’ve laid down the law and told mum no more.
She EXPLODED at me but I’ve stayed firm.
Yesterday her mom showed up with 12 kids!
I spoke to the property owner because I worry mum will just show up and try to give the kids a pony ride without my supervision.
He agreed it’s a liability and has marked her as not allowed on the property without me there.
Yesterday he called me saying she was there with 12 KIDS. 12!
And going off her rocker because he wouldn’t allow her on the property.
Everyone in her family seems to think she’s the problem.
I spoke to her on his phone and told her to bugger off and NEVER try this rubbish again.
Since then I’ve had to block her and most of my family because omg the flying monkeys and screaming about how I’m over privileged, selfish, and a child hating monster…
I don’t think I was wrong, but it’s starting to really get to me.
Was I the AH?
She shouldn’t have to let anyone ride it if she doesn’t want to.
If her mom wants to give all the kids pony rides, the mom can get her own horse.
Let’s see how Reddit reacted to this story…
Her mother is crazy.
Her mom is treating the horse as if it’s a toy.
It could be really dangerous.
Letting her mother have her way wouldn’t end well.
Her mom seriously has no respect for boundaries.
I’m glad the property owner is on her side!
They both need some space.
If you enjoyed that story, read this one about a mom who was forced to bring her three kids with her to apply for government benefits, but ended up getting the job of her dreams.

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