Shady Landlord Cheated Their Tenant Out Of Their Deposit, So They Got Him Busted By Exposing His Illegal Activities
by Benjamin Cottrell
The quiet life of a tenant can take unexpected twists, especially when their landlord has dangerous hobbies.
After one renter was cheated out of their deposit, one tenant decided to expose their landlord’s illegal double life, bringing three different agencies right to his door!
Read on for the full story.
Don’t Give Me Back My Deposit Have 3 Agencies Raid You
I had rented out a room in a house with the current owner and occupant of the joint.
I gave him a deposit to move in and the first month’s rent.
Everything was good.
I did my job, I paid my rental obligation, and privacy was respected.
After six months of living with him, I finally got a better-paying job and left.
The agreement was that when I left, I would get my deposit back the week after.
But little did this renter know, this task wouldn’t be so easy.
A week goes by:
LL: “I’ll get it next week.”Another month goes by:
LL: “I have not forgotten about you.”
Then, the landlord started going out of his way to avoid repaying the tenant what he owed.
Well, now it’s been two months, and he blocked my number.
I’m mad as heck — I want my money.
Now, I plotted my revenge.
This particular landlord had quite a few skeletons in his closet…
See, LL was a drug fanatic.
Halfway through my first month’s rent, he showed me the basement of the house where he was growing mature plants to run a distribution ring.
He also had a drug den room where he could use harder drugs to get a fix, along with pills.
While I worked hard at my job for not the greatest pay, he took unemployment and disability benefits while using drugs back at home.
He wasn’t just hiding drugs.
LL also had an extensive weapons collection — firearms that were not registered in his state, as well as firearms not registered under him.
LL also had his own drug dealer that would show up to drop off drugs, among other things.
LL did this the entire course of me being there.
He thought he was safe — until he started messing with my livelihood.
So the renter started taking notes.
So, I wrote down everything I could remember and did my research.
Behold the powers of search engines and the internet. Bang: “Crime Stoppers.”
Fine print: Get $1,000 for your tip.
I filled out every minute detail, timestamps, photos of the growing operation, a photo of the house, contacts — his entire life.
I had information on everything.
Then he sent it all off.
I submitted everything and was given credentials to wait.
My deposit was $350, so pocketing an extra $650 was completely worth it.
He thought I wouldn’t be a snitch, but you backstab me, I’ll mess you up so hard.
My parents lived in the neighboring town.
I asked them to forward me the town newsletters, and I also looked at the county police and news updates.
One day, the renter’s hard investigative work paid off.
Four months later, I see it in bold:
Drug Operation Busted.The police got a wiretap warrant on his phone and staked out his property.
The seriousness of drugs and weapons mixed meant the ATF was also involved, along with the DEA.
A SWAT team executed a search warrant and busted into his house in the early morning hours, around the times I told them he was asleep.
They seized everything.
He is looking at about 40–60 years for his offenses.
On top of that, the police also apprehended the other druggie who delivered to him in the middle of the night.
In the end, everything worked out just the way it should.
I don’t know when afterward, but at some point, Crime Stoppers helped me set up how I wanted my $1,000.
The evidence was pretty incriminating.
I got my revenge, but I also saved a community.
He underestimated the power of a wronged tenant, and it cost him dearly.
What did Reddit think?
If only there were a tip line for bad drivers!
If the landlord ever sees the light of day again, this renter might want to watch their back.
The landlord probably should have been more discreet.
Landlords aren’t exactly known for being honest.
This landlord may have thought he could get away with a stolen deposit, but he ended up paying a much bigger price.
And just like that, a dangerous empire crumbled.
If you liked that post, check this one about a guy who got revenge on his condo by making his own Christmas light rules.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · bad landlords, drug abuse, drug dealer, drugs, illegal activities, landlord, picture, pro revenge, reddit, renters, renting, revenge, top

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