Townhouse Complex Had A Rule About Long Term Parking In The Guest Spots, But They Refused To Enforce It When Her Neighbor Was Parked There
by Michael Levanduski
When you live in a big city, you can expect to have problems finding enough parking.
What would you do if a neighbor in a townhouse complex was using a guest parking spot for his project car that he had never driven or worked on?
That is what the renter in this story was dealing with, and the property manager refused to enforce the rule saying that those spots were not for long-term parking, but in the end the renter got her revenge.
Check it out.
Revenge on Property Manager
This is from a few years ago but I still love telling this story. Sorry it’s kind of long.
So, I owned a townhouse in Chicago and as it is when you live in the city, we had very limited parking.
We each had a garage and in addition there were two guest parking spaces shared with 4 townhouses.
I lived there for a year and all was fine, when my BF came over he had a place to park and it made things very easy.
Something tells me there is going to be trouble.
That is until a new neighbor moved in.
New neighbor moved in and proceeded to park his junker car in the guest space and never moved it.
Now, the bylaws of the homeowners association state that the guest spots are for guests and absolutely no non-operational vehicles or vehicles with expired tags could be parked there.
New neighbor’s car sat there for weeks and never moved.
I left a note for him, because I never saw him, and asked him to move his car.
It never moved.
So, getting tired of this ugly junker parked in front of our house, taking up a precious parking space I called the property manager and complained.
He needs to find a new spot for his vehicle.
It worked initially the car was parked on the street for a few days but because it didn’t move, the city tagged it for towing and it was immediately back in the guest parking spot.
I gave the guy a chance but a week later, car was still in the guest parking space collecting dust.
I called the property manager and complained and car moved.
This went on a couple times and then nothing happened.
Car just stayed there, no matter how much I complained, the property manager would ignore it.
She was ignoring my calls and wouldn’t talk to me.
I finally got her on the phone and said I needed to stop complaining because the owner of the car “Needed more Time” to figure out what to do with his car.
I asked her, how much time is “More time” and she just kept saying he “Needed more time”.
I was angry because he was tying up a hard to find parking space with a car that doesn’t run and it was obviously breaking the rules and he had been given plenty of time.
How frustrating.
All I could get was “He needs more time.”
Ok, I give up.
Fast forward three months and I’m doing some remodeling on my house and I drag a bunch of garbage to the curb on a Saturday.
Carpet, tile, wood flooring scraps etc, all building materials from my remodel.
I know the city won’t be there till Thursday but I have a business trip and figure it sitting outside for a couple days won’t hurt anything.
I leave on Monday and I get a call in the evening from the Property Manager basically yelling at me saying I can’t leave that stuff on the curb and I need to bring it in my garage immediately until thursday when the city picks up the garbage.
I explain that I’m out of town and I can’t get there to move it etc and she blows up on me about this and that and rules.
The perfect response.
Finally, I pause and say “I need more time.”
She says, “what did you say?” I said, “In the past when rules have been broken, a I need more time is a good excuse. So, that’s it. I need more time.”
She stuttered and I just kept repeating “I need more time”.
You should have heard her rage on the phone.
It was absolutely glorious, the frustration and anger in her voice as I just kept repeating “I need more time.”
How did she keep from laughing?
She hung up on me she was so angry.
Now, like a good neighbor I called the city immediately and asked them to send a special pick-up the next day but god did I like throwing her own words back in her face.
Hey, the property manager set the president.
Read on to see what the people in the comments had to say.
I bet there are lots of problems to deal with.
This would have been a great approach.
That would be infuriating.
This person thinks her response was perfect.
It was the right thing to do.
Why doesn’t he just get rid of the car?
This lady was a piece of work.
If you liked that post, check out this one about an employee that got revenge on HR when they refused to reimburse his travel.

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