After Giving His Sibling A Ride To And From School For Several Years, This Brother Had To Stop Because He Was Able To Leave Early. Now His Sibling Is Upset About The Sudden Change.
by Michael Levanduski
When going to school, having someone who is able to drive you in is very convenient.
What would you do if you were the one giving your twin a ride to school, but because you were able to get out early, you could no longer bring them home?
That is the situation the brother in this story is facing, and his sibling is upset that he has to walk five minutes to get home after school.
AITA for not giving my sibling a ride?
I (18M) am a senior in high school.
I’ve been giving my twin sibling (18) a ride to school ever since I got my license two years ago.
Recently I’ve gotten a new job as a janitor, and I work 30 hours a week.
I also take some college classes.
Very impressive.
It’s a lot to handle, and I’m tired all the time.
I’m trying to save up so that I can find a place for my sibling, my boyfriend (18m) and I to move in to, and support us, to get away from our crazy parents.
Also recently, I’ve managed to get senior leave.
I don’t have a last period, because I don’t need the credit.
I can leave early at the end of the school day.
This is great because I can work on my college assignments during this extra hour I have.
That’s inconvenient but not the end of the world.
The issue is that my sibling doesn’t have senior leave, and they now have to walk home.
We live within a five minutes walk of our school, and we used to walk to and from school every day before I got my license.
They’re upset that I’m making them walk, even though I’ve tried to explain that it really helps to have the extra time.
I do feel bad because it is getting cold at this time of year, and I don’t like that they have to walk.
I’m trying to request them a locker to put some coats and warm clothes in so they dont have to carry it around all day (our school doesn’t automatically give us lockers).
And, to be fair, they did pay for half of our parking pass, but I will be graduating mid-year, do they’ll get the pass all to themself for a semester so it feels fair.
It doesn’t hurt them to walk for a few weeks.
But I don’t know, am I in the wrong for making them walk? I need some objective input.
I am not asking about whether or not I should be driving to school at all, or asking about whether or not I should be supporting the people I love.
Here’s some more info:
- My sibling has their own license and car, but would need to buy a whole new parking pass to use it rn. Which would be dumb because they aren’t cheap, and it’ll only be a month or so before I pass off my parking pass to them
- My parents own my car (and my sibling’s) but I’m making payments to buy it from them
- They have some medical conditions that can make walking long distances painful, but I don’t think it would affect the five minute walk much
- I care about my sibling a lot, and I’ve been told I baby them too much, I know I know. They won’t be proactive for themself. For example, I often cook for them because if there isn’t easy food, they just won’t eat.
- They’re autistic and hate change, which explains why they’re so upset about this (but is not an excuse, yada yada).
- They don’t have friends to ask for a ride from
- We live in the american south
- Sibling works maybe six hours a week?
- I could technically stay in the library for my last period, but I personally find it very distracting (i have adhd). And i would like to be home so i can have a chance to nap (not getting much sleep atm) and have some food
- About alternating who walks and drives; my car is the one currently on the paperwork that the school has, and no other cars are permitted to be used with it (my sibling will be getting that changed to their own car info after i graduate). They are unable to drive my car due to some physical limitations they have that require certain alterations to be made to a car in order for them to legally drive it. I would be unable to drive their car, as it has these alterations.
- Note that I’ve volunteered to support bf and sibling, they did not ask me to. That aspect isn’t up for debate.
It sounds like he has gone above and beyond for his sibling, and now it has become expected, which just isn’t right.
Let’s see what other people in the comments have to say.
Yes, the sibling should just walk home.
This person thinks his sibling can walk or get another ride.
Yup, the sibling can take some responsibility as well.
Not a bad idea for bad weather days.
This person thinks a five minute walk is no big deal.
This young man needs to realize he is not the parent.
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Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, brother, driving, high school, parking spots, picture, reddit, siblings, top, walking home, working

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