An Unexpected Bid Raised An Inherited Piece Of Land’s Value, So Long-Simmering Resentments Boiled Over Between The Heirs
by Benjamin Cottrell
Managing an inheritance is rarely simple, especially when real estate is involved.
For these siblings, a higher offer on inherited land turned a peaceful settlement into a tug-of-war over ethics and equity.
Read on for the full story!
WIBTA If I take my sisters to court?
Dealing with my father’s estate has been a process lasting over two years. Part of the estate includes a piece of land.
After much wrangling, we put the land on the market and received an offer.
My sisters decided they didn’t want to sell, and we agreed that they would buy me out at the current offer price.
But then an oversight from one of the sisters complicated the matter even further.
One of my sisters, who is the executor, was supposed to sign to take the land off the market but didn’t.
A couple of weeks went by, and the agent came back with a new, significantly higher offer.
Now the sisters don’t know what to do.
I suggested we take the new offer or that my sisters match it for the buyout.
However, they insist we already agreed to the previous deal and refuse to negotiate.
One is thinking about escalating the issue.
WIBTA if I take them to court to try and make them take the new offer or match it?
A court would settle the financial dispute, but would it make their emotional disputes even worse?
What did Reddit think?
A situation this complex may be beyond the purview of this redditor.
This commenter isn’t afraid to ask the deeper questions.
At the end of the day, it’s business.
Taking this to court may not be the best option.
The land’s value may have gone up, but family unity is lower than it’s ever been.
At the end of the day, is the money really worth the fallout?
If you thought that was an interesting story, check this one out about a man who created a points system for his inheritance, and a family friend ends up getting almost all of it.

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