Her Parents Are Supposed To Visit When Her New Baby Is Born, But Now That Her Mom Is Mad At Her, She Doesn’t Want Them To Visit Anymore At All
by Jayne Elliott
Any parent will tell you that a newborn baby is a lot of work.
There are sleepless nights, lots of stress and almost constant exhaustion.
While it’s great when family wants to come see the new baby, it’s even better when they want to help out.
What’s not okay is family adding additional drama.
In today’s story, a woman wants to tell her mom not to bother visiting when the baby is born, but she’s not sure if that’s the right thing to do.
Let’s back up and find out why she doesn’t want her mom to visit…
AITAH for telling my parents to not come see my baby
There’s just too much history to even share between my mom(65f) and I(37f)… but essentially she is a narcissistic and very emotionally abusive mom.
I am the black sheep of the family and will always be because I stand up for myself and for my siblings.
Of course that infuriates my mom because I will always be truthful and call anyone out.
She’s pregnant and worried.
I am 37 weeks pregnant with my last baby and live in the states.
My parents have always lived overseas but never ever was supportive during or after any of my births.
I even developed depressions after my second child because it was so heartbreaking how much my parents didn’t care.
Anyway with this pregnancy we were told that baby is smaller than we’d like him to be so I’ve been worried.
My in-laws are amazing people and even though they live halfway across the states, they’re going to be here before my birth and stay for awhile just so they can help out with the older kiddos.
Her parents “might visit.”
My parents on the other hand are going to come to the United States but (in their words) “might visit the baby” if they’re able to since they’re going to be at my grandparent’s place which is a few hours away.
Last month they found out that my mom had a mass in her lungs and they aren’t sure if it’s cancer or not until they remove it and do a biopsy.
My mom told two of us siblings but told us not to tell our other siblings since they act like “they don’t care” about her well being.
I thought it was is dumb but I didn’t say anything.
Now her mom’s mad at her, and she doesn’t even want her mom to visit anymore.
Then my mom tells one of my siblings that didn’t know about the situation because she felt like telling.
So long story short, that information got to my brother and he asked me if mom had cancer.
I told him that they weren’t sure if it was cancer or not.
Now my mom is crying to my sister that knew the whole situation saying that I betrayed her trust and that I’m so horrible for sharing her secret.
I’m about to send them a long message telling my parents to not even bother to come see the baby anymore.
I’m not sure… I don’t want to stoop to her level but I feel like this isn’t really stooping to her level?
It seems like all she did was honestly answer a question.
It’s not like she went to the brother with gossip.
Let’s see how Reddit responded…
This reader votes for telling the mom not to come over.
Here’s another vote for not inviting the mom to see the baby.
This person suggests cutting off contact with the mom.
It would not be a good visit if the mom came over.
And here’s a rant about boomer parents.
The last thing a pregnant woman needs is stress!
She should just tell them no thanks and be done with it.
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