His Ex-Wife Complained About Him Packing Unhealthy Food For Their Children’s Lunches, So He Decided To Pay For Their School Lunches Instead
by Sarrah Murtaza
Parenting is always tough, but when a couple isn’t together anymore, the challenges can compound, and fast..
This couple has had their fair share of struggles with their kids, and dad is fed up with his ex micromanaging his time with the kids.
Check out the full story!
The Ex doesn’t like the lunches I pack? No problem
Contentious divorce with ex-wife.
Got to experience a lot of the things that everyone experiences, but more so.
One episode was when she hauled me into court accusing me of starving the children, packing them moldy sandwiches, lots of other things.
He knew the wife had been tricking him all this time!
She even claimed that the teachers were aware of this and that they had taken to providing my kids food since I’m so neglectful.
None of it was true.
And thankfully I was able to successfully defend myself in court, but… court is nerve wracking.
Apparently I forgot to say explicitly what the judge needed to hear me say “no, I don’t pack moldy sandwiches for the kids”.
It got them in more trouble!
So I get a court order decreeing that kids shall only be provided with fresh healthy food.
No sanctions, no punishment.
Just a pretty reasonable decree to be a good parent. (Which is what I strive to be anyway.)
But what judge doesn’t know and I do is: the chocolate sandwiches.
My kids have always been picky eaters.
I was never happy about this.
But…. With everything else they have gone through in the divorce, this was way down on my list of things to deal with.
He knew he wasn’t going to fall for the mother’s tricks.
Which means that yes… when their mom packs them chocolate sandwiches for lunch, I would also pack them…. chocolate sandwiches.
I’m not proud of it, but kids don’t need to see conflict between their parents.
And believe me, there have been other, bigger parenting issues to deal with that I won’t go into here.
But now I have a court order to provide healthy food.
I’m sure as heck not going to go back in front of that judge and try to argue that chocolate sandwiches count as fresh healthy food.
He had to take action!
So I send an email to ex explaining that the kids will be eating the free school lunches from now on (note: free school lunches… which means kids were never in any danger even if her accusations had been true).
But… when I tell her the kids will be eating school lunches from now on, she is… very upset.
“Oh, but the kids are sensitive! There aren’t options they will eat! How can you be so cruel. Can’t you at least provide them with chocolate protein bars?”
You see… she knows what I’ve been packing them because it’s exactly what she packs them.
She didn’t want me to change, she just wanted to get me in trouble.
She has been monitoring everything!
Also, it is impossible to understate how important control is to her.
Denying the kids their special chocolate sandwiches is in line with denying them fresh water.
Or kidnapping them.
Like… it is incredibly important to this woman that every little wish and desire of her children be granted and to not humor them is, in her eyes, quite literally child abuse.
Things have always been rough…
Also, denying her control over what goes on in my house is very upsetting.
But… nope, nope, and nope. Take me to court over the food I pack.. I’m not packing food anymore. (Duh)
So I email with the court (not the judge) to make sure I have support for this school lunch plan.
Yes, yes I do.
So the next time I get the kids I explain to them the new plan.
They parrot back their moms talking points.
“But can’t we make the chocolate sandwiches? We are so sensitive! There aren’t any options we can eat. Can’t you at least give us chocolate protein bars?”
Nope, nope, and nope.
Each week I get to ask them “how was the school lunch?”
And it’s a win-win for me.
That’s INSANE!
If they answer “not good.”
I can trot out the old “it’s good for you to try different things” and I can enjoy knowing that I’m teaching them life skills, and if they say it was good I can genuinely be happy for them.
And to be honest I’m… looking forward to going back to court and explaining to the judge that ex is still packing chocolate sandwiches.
Geez! That sounds rough for the kids!
Why can’t the mother be more interested in what the kids want instead of trying to get back at her ex?!
Let’s find out what folks on Reddit think about this one.
This user understands why this guy might have gotten a divorce.
That’s right! This user is glad this guy didn’t make the mom an evil person near the kids.
This user shares how they make their daughter used to new food.
This user is glad he’s not the only one who got dragged to the court.
That’s right! This user knows this guy is doing his kids a favor by giving them school lunch.
If only the mom had not made a huge fuss, the kids might have still be having their favorite lunch!
Too bad for them.
If you liked that post, check out this post about a rude customer who got exactly what they wanted in their pizza.

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