January 13, 2025 at 10:21 am

Stay-at-Home Mom Saves Every Penny For Her Kids, But Her Husband Wants Her To Buy Him A Christmas Present Anyway

by Diana Whelan

Source: Reddit/AITA/Shutterstock

What do you do when you have no income, a seven-month pregnancy, and a partner who suddenly drops a Christmas wishlist on the family whiteboard?

One stay-at-home mom finds herself stressed and confused as the holidays approach, all while wondering if she’s in the wrong for prioritizing her kids over her partner’s unexpected demands.

Let’s read all the details.

AITA for not getting my partner a Christmas present?

I’m a stay at home mom and have been for over 4 years, so that means I have no income at all.

My partner is expecting me to buy him a Christmas present without asking him for the money and I’m super confused on where I would get money from if not him?!

Stay at home mom = no income.

I do try to keep my own money for emergency purposes, but I already spent what I had on my daughter’s Christmas presents.

I wasn’t expecting him to want anything because we usually just buy things for our daughter, but now he has wrote a Christmas list and put it on the whiteboard for me to see and I’m getting stressed out.

His request is stressful.

He knows I don’t have steady income plus I’m 7 months pregnant!

I don’t know why he’s asking for a gift now when Christmas is next week and he knows I don’t have any money to spend on him.

With no income of her own and every penny carefully budgeted for the family, her partner’s wishlist feels more like a guilt trip than a holiday tradition.

Most Redditors sympathized and raised eyebrows at the audacity of his expectations.

This person wonders why no gift-giving etiquette conversations were had.

Source: Reddit/AITA

As another SAHM, this person gets it.

Source: Reddit/AITA

This person says a conversation definitely needs to be had.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Santa’s workshop runs on magic, not unpaid labor!

If you thought that was an interesting story, check this one out about a man who created a points system for his inheritance, and a family friend ends up getting almost all of it.