Driver Kept Illegally Parking In The Fire Lane, So A Neighbor Rolled A Giant Snowball Behind Their Car And Used Water To Turn It Into Solid Ice
by Heather Hall
Some people think fire lanes are just convenient parking spots, that is, until they find out the hard way they shouldn’t be there.
So, what would you do if someone constantly blocked access to your building by illegally parking in a fire lane? Would you complain to management? Or would you wait for the perfect opportunity to teach them a lesson?
In the following story, one person finds themselves dealing with this exact situation. Here’s how they handled it.
Rolled a giant snowball behind a car parked in a fire lane
This apartment building I used to live in was set back in a corner from the complex’s parking lot.
There was a fire lane for our building in the corner of the parking lot that was essentially a giant parking spot for a firetruck.
People would use it as a parking spot rather than walk the extra 50 feet from the available parking spaces. That made it a pain for anyone else since they’d block the walkway access, too, and you’d have to detour ways around for a ramp or go through some brush.
The apartment managers didn’t care and never towed anyone from the fire lane.
The snow gave him an idea.
I had my opportunity for petty revenge delivered against one of the offenders by a winter storm. It had dumped a foot of snow and then kept temps down in the 10s-20s for a few days.
Some kids had tried to build a giant snowman but had only rolled up the base before the parking lot was plowed. They’d managed to get it to 2.5-3 ft in diameter, though.
I saw that someone was parked in the fire lane, and it looked like they weren’t planning on moving that night.
I looked at that snowball, and inspiration hit me.
He laid it on really thick.
I went out and checked at about 1 AM, and sure enough, the car was still sitting in the fire lane.
I jumped into action, went out, and rolled that giant snowball right up against the bumper of the car, blocking them into the space.
I wanted them to really work for their car’s freedom, so I filled up my mop bucket and made several trips, pouring water all over the snowball to make it an ice ball.
I made a final trip, poured water over the keyholes and around the doors of the car, and then went to bed.
Apparently, the person was pretty upset in the morning.
When I woke up in the morning, I went out to check on my handy work.
They’d managed to free the car at some point, and I think they were super mad.
It looked like that giant snowball had been karate-chopped by God.
It was split in half, and the closest piece was 30 feet or so away, and the other half was at the far end of the parking lot.
Nobody parked in the fire lane until it warmed back up.
Wowza! That’s one way to show them you mean business!
Let’s see what the people over at Reddit have to say about this.
They must’ve missed where he did this.
Here’s an epic idea!
Yikes! This would’ve been even worse.
This is really good to know.
Serves them right!
If you liked that post, check out this post about a woman who tracked down a contractor who tried to vanish without a trace.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · fire lane, frozen water, funny prank, illegal parking, no parking, parking lot, petty revenge, picture, reddit, snowball, top

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