March 25, 2025 at 11:15 pm

She Repaid Her Friend’s Loan Digitally, But She Provided The Wrong Username And Thinks She Deserves To Be Paid Twice

by Chelsea Mize

girl holding a dollar bill between two hands


Loaning money to friends can be tricky territory, and most of us realize that if we want to keep the friend, we can’t pressure them to pay us back.

But in this story, the borrower tried to pay back her debt… and hit a snag.

Let’s see who owes what in this one.

AITA for not paying my friend back?

My friend let me borrow $150 two weeks ago.

She gave it to me in cash so I was going to pay her back in cash.

When I got paid this past Friday, I texted her letting her know I was going to drop it off to her on my way home from work.

She responded by saying to Cashapp her instead and immediately followed up with her cashtag.

Remember when cash wasn’t also an app? Simpler times.

I sent it right away.

About an hour later she texted me asking if I could send it ASAP.

I replied saying I did.

She said she didn’t get it.

Uh-oh. Wouldn’t have happened with cold hard cash.

I started panicking thinking I sent it to the wrong person, but she responded before I did and said she sent me the wrong one.

For example, instead of janedoe123 she sent me janedoe13.

I simply said yikes.

What else is there to say?

Here’s where it gets messy.

She asked me if I could send it again.

I didn’t have it.

I’m struggling right now hence the reason I had to borrow it in the first place.

Even if I did have it, I don’t feel like I should have to give it her.

If it was my mistake I would have figured something out, but that’s not the case here.

I didn’t want to tell her that though.

I didn’t know how to respond so I just said let me call Cashapp.

Well, they pretty much told me tough luck.

Seems like she tried every avenue…

I thought hard about what to say but eventually I texted her saying, “I called them and they said there’s nothing they can do. I really don’t have it. Idk what else to do….”

She said ok.

I haven’t heard from her since then.

I figured she was upset.

Anybody would be when they lose money.

I found out this morning though that she is mad at me.

One of our mutual friends Ash called me.

Payback can be a doozy.

Apparently, Jane believes I should send her her money and figure out away to get the other $150 back.

That’s not going to happen.

I want to call her but I wanted to ask if I am the AH first.

My judgement will determine how I approach this conversation.

Money troubles tend to multiply…

Let’s see what our comments think.

This person says she should put her money where her mouth is.

Screenshot 2025 03 10 at 11.04.32 PM She Repaid Her Friends Loan Digitally, But She Provided The Wrong Username And Thinks She Deserves To Be Paid Twice

Someone else says, it was on her to double check.

Screenshot 2025 03 10 at 11.04.16 PM She Repaid Her Friends Loan Digitally, But She Provided The Wrong Username And Thinks She Deserves To Be Paid Twice

Another poster says, sucks but not your fault.

Screenshot 2025 03 10 at 11.05.34 PM She Repaid Her Friends Loan Digitally, But She Provided The Wrong Username And Thinks She Deserves To Be Paid Twice

This poster says, she shoulda taken the cash.

Screenshot 2025 03 10 at 11.05.20 PM She Repaid Her Friends Loan Digitally, But She Provided The Wrong Username And Thinks She Deserves To Be Paid Twice

Another user insists she should be debt and guilt-free.

Screenshot 2025 03 10 at 11.04.53 PM She Repaid Her Friends Loan Digitally, But She Provided The Wrong Username And Thinks She Deserves To Be Paid Twice

In this story, Cashapp is not king.

You’ve gotta double check things when money is involved.

If you thought that was an interesting story, check this one out about a man who created a points system for his inheritance, and a family friend ends up getting almost all of it.