July 25, 2024 at 12:51 pm

The Shirk Report – Volume 798

by Ashley Dreiling

Definition Of Shirk REport The Shirk Report   Volume 798

Welcome to the Shirk Report where you will find 20 funny images, 10 interesting articles and 5 entertaining videos from the last 7 days of sifting. Most images found on Reddit; articles from Digg, Kottke, WITI, Facebook, Twitter, and email; videos come from everywhere. Any suggestions? Send a note to submit@twistedsifter.com



Gaming art with light sabers
Perfect shot of red-billed oxpecker resting on the horn of a rhino
One angry lithium battery
The four-person handshake
Refection Perfection: A Jet Skiing Dream Come True
Christopher Walk-in
A little lawn help from the fire department
Found outside of apartment building
Our Transilvanian grandma is still very much in charge
When you get tested for allergens
From fiction…
Anyone in the mood for a hot sauce fountain?
Blue Angels doing solos off ship deck
Always, they do this
Just keep spinning!
The way these leaves are growing
Until next week


Reddit and the Robots
31 People Relay the Creepiest True Things They’ve Learned
Jon Hamm’s Holding Out for a (Super) Hero Role to Play
The fuzzy science on whether your pet is actually good for you
Why do all the world’s best athletes do Subway commercials?
Never, Ever Say Any Of These Things On A First Date
When Kriss Kross Launched a Backward Clothing Trend
58% Of Men Skip This Simple Daily Ritual, And It’s Crucial As You Age
Use Productivity ‘Sprints’ When Your Attention Span Is Low
He Won’t Pay His Sister for Housesitting After She Didn’t Feed His Birds. Is He Wrong?













Shirk Report 798 The Shirk Report   Volume 798