October 14, 2024 at 10:18 pm

Her Brother-In-Law Joked About Sending Her A Bill After She Hurt Herself On Their Porch, But When She Joked Back About Suing Him They Were Uninvited From Christmas

by Laura Ornella

Source: Reddit/AITA/Pexels/Maria Orlova

“Your house, your rules” can sometimes be taken too far.

When someone is hurt on your property, it’s only natural to show concern and offer to help however you can.

This Redditor didn’t get the memo, though, and now the incident may ruin Christmas.

Check out the details.

AITA for ruining Christmas by not taking kindly to my BIL’s joke?

My brother-in-law’s front porch is poorly made and not to code.

He’s been replacing pieces of it for years: a rotted board here, a handrail there.

Yesterday, I dropped off a package at their house while they were out.

On my way down, I went through one of the stairs.

This could be really dangerous!

Basically, the end of the board was rotted out, and it no longer had any support on one side, so it basically just turned into a seesaw.

My left leg went straight down and hit the ground, so I was kind of trapped in a weird position as I tumbled forward.

I scraped up my leg with some decent gouges from the splintered wood.

The end result is that my leg was cut and bleeding, my pants were torn, and I strained something in my upper back/shoulder.

Not life threatening, to be sure. I sent them a text when it happened.

I’d imagine they’d be super embarrassed and apologetic…

An hour or two later, I get a text that he and my sister-in-law couldn’t stop laughing when they checked their doorbell cam.

I responded that it wouldn’t have been as funny if it was either of their elderly parents, one of their kids, or any of the delivery people who bring stuff to their home-based business.

At no point did he apologize or offer to pay for my pants.

I did get a “you ok?” text with the emoji with a head bandage.

This feels like the bare minimum.

Today, I get a “how are you feeling?” text.

I said, “Little sore, but nothing that would stop me from helping you tear down that porch and rebuilding it safely. You know, with proper stringers, risers, and treads.”

His response: “I’ll be replacing the board today. Expect a bill in your mailbox, lumber ain’t cheap”.

Is he…joking?

My response was, “Good, when you stop by, bring your insurance info so I can make a claim.”

Hm, there is truth in comedy…

Later today, my wife gets a call from her brother asking if I was actually going to file a lawsuit or insurance claim and how he let his homeowners insurance lapse because money was tight.

OMG — this person is so irresponsible!

When my wife told him that we weren’t actually going to file a lawsuit, he got even madder because he was “really stressed out for a couple of hours” and how he doesn’t want us to come by on Christmas (their family was hosting this year) because we might stub our toe and sue.

Wife wants me to attempt to mend fences, so as not to ruin Christmas.

Honestly, if Christmas is going to be at that house, I’d avoid it!

I suggested that she and I talk about it on Wednesday, so we can get some perspective….


Does Reddit think this person is ruining Christmas?

Let’s see what the comments say.

First up, people mentioned a lawsuit could be in this family’s future if they don’t fix that porch.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Next, commenters agreed this homeowner’s pride means he missed out on tremendous help.

Source: Reddit/AITA

One reader did a bit of wordplay.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Another mentioned that homeowner’s insurance is a necessity.

Source: Reddit/AITA

And another noted the humor was rude and nonsensical.

Source: Reddit/AITA

This person was hurt on their family’s front porch — and not enough care was given.

If anyone’s ruining Christmas, it’s this family, not the injured party.

If you liked that post, check out this story about a guy who was forced to sleep on the couch at his wife’s family’s house, so he went to a hotel instead.