October 28, 2024 at 5:48 am

Ex-Husband Wanted This Girl To Pay For Their Daughter’s Daycare When She Wasn’t Even Using The Services, But She Refused To Do It And A Fight Broke Out

by Sarrah Murtaza

Source: Reddit/AITA/Pexels/Huy Nguyễn

Isn’t it frustrating when people expect you to pay for their choices?

This girl’s ex husband wanted her to pay for services she was no longer using!

How unreasonable! Find out what happened next.

AITA for refusing to pay half of the cost of my daughter’s “daycare” expenses

My daughter is currently in kindergarten, and goes to school in the school district her dad resides in.

Her dad was insistent on putting her in school there, and enrolled her in his district.

They had an arrangement because of the husband’s issue.

I had a family member who was going to take my daughter to and from school for me while I worked, but that changed last minute.

I tried to talk my daughters dad into enrolling her into the district I live in as he is the only person who lives in that district (approximately 20 minutes away from me) and all of his family who could help him get her to and from school live here as well.

It became a huge argument and so because it was so last minute, I just took the fall and his parent said he will see this backfire on him and maybe we can choose the district I live in next school year

We both had to utilize the before and after school “daycare” services that the school offers due to our work schedule.

They decided to divide it initially…

Her school doesn’t have after school programs until the kids hit 3rd grade so younger children have to use a daycare like program which is not free and is billed weekly.

Since her father and I both used the services an equal amount (we share 50/50 custody) we split the cost in half.

And pick her up and drop her off on our prospective days.

I am due to have another baby at the beginning of December, but due to complications, I was pulled from work early and went on early leave.

She knows she can manage without the daycare.

Now I am no longer in need of the before and after school program and can take my daughter to school at normal times, and offered to pick her up from school on his days at normal pick up.

I cannot wake up on his days with her to pick her up and take her to school so he will still need to utilize the before school program.

He said that was great and appreciated the help and since payments are due on Mondays which are my days with her, that he will just send his half of the cost on the weekends.

I can add my half to the envelope and turn it in when I bring her to school.

She was stunned at his response.

I asked him what he meant by my half and said I would not be contributing as I no longer need the services.

I tried to enroll her in the district in my city to prevent us from having to pay for the “daycare” but he didn’t want me to.

He said she is just as much my child and I’m still responsible for the half even if I’m not using it on my days but I disagree.

He called me difficult and an AH and said I’m just trying to make his life harder.

His family stand with her!

His parents agree with me and said that he should be responsible as he is the only one who needs the services now.

This could’ve been prevented if he just agreed to enroll our daughter in the district that I live in as well as all of his family.


Some people can be really annoying when it comes to finances and this husband is one of those people!

Let’s find out what folks on Reddit think about this story.

That’s right! This user knows this girl is right!

Source: Reddit/AITA

Exactly! This user states some important facts.

Source: Reddit/AITA

This user wants to know more about the arrangement. They’re clearly not buying one side of this story.

Source: Reddit/AITA

This user thinks this platform isn’t the right one for this matter.

Source: Reddit/AITA

This person has a logical explanation to the situation.

Source: Reddit/AITA

While some people suggest the girl to stand her ground, others want the full story.

Guess the internet is divided on this one!

If you enjoyed that story, read this one about a mom who was forced to bring her three kids with her to apply for government benefits, but ended up getting the job of her dreams.