Category: STORIES

May 7, 2013 at 1:12 pm

50 Faces in Everyday Objects

50 Faces in Everyday Objects

Have you ever looked at an object or building and thought, “hey that kind of looks like a face!”? It’s actually a psychological phenomenon known as pareidolia. Pareidolia involves a vague and random stimulus (often an image or sound) being perceived as significant; it’s a form of apophenia (seeing meaningful patterns or connections in…

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May 1, 2013 at 2:57 pm

15 Famous Quotes on Friendship

15 Famous Quotes on Friendship

It’s been a while since I’ve done a ‘famous quotes‘ compilation so I culled through hundreds of quotes on ‘friendship’ last night, and these wee the fifteen that resonated most. I then overlaid the quote onto a picture because what would a Sifter post without images be? If you have any personal favourites to…

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April 26, 2013 at 3:11 pm

Awesome Dad Creates Birthday Treasure Hunt for Son

Awesome Dad Creates Birthday Treasure Hunt for Son

Redditor and fellow Canadian crujones43 decided to do something special for his son’s 11th birthday. Rather than just hand him a present, he decided to give him the gift of adventure. Not only was it a great way to spend the day with his son, but he documented the entire event, providing captions and…

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April 17, 2013 at 11:50 am

When Google Earth Goes Awry

When Google Earth Goes Awry

Clement Valla is an artist, programmer and designer living and working in Brooklyn, New York. He received his BA from Columbia and his MFA from the Rhode Island School of Design where he is currently an associate professor of Graphic Design. In his ongoing series entitled, Postcards from Google Earth, Valla discovers and collects…

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April 15, 2013 at 11:55 am

Poland’s Underground Salt Cathedral

Poland's Underground Salt Cathedral

Located 135 meters (443 ft) underground is the famous Wieliczka Salt Mine in southern Poland. Entered into the UNESCO First World Heritage List in 1978, it was also proclaimed a Historical Monument by the President of the Republic of Poland in 1994. The mine is located in the town of Wieliczka and is within…

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April 12, 2013 at 4:31 pm

The 4.5 Billion Year Old Fukang Meteorite

The 4.5 Billion Year Old Fukang Meteorite

Photograph via kikootwo on Reddit Back in the year 2000, a 1,003 kilogram (2,211 lbs) meteorite was discovered near Fukang, a city located in the northwestern region of Xinjiang, China. Named the ‘Fukang meteorite‘, it was identified as a pallasite, a type of stony–iron meteorite, with striking olivine crystals throughout. Pallasites are extremely rare…

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April 4, 2013 at 10:29 am

Historic Moments Blended Into Present Day Situations

Historic Moments Blended Into Present Day Situations

Seth Taras is an award-winning artist and photographer from the United States. Back in 2004, Taras created a campaign for the History Channel entitled, Know Where You Stand. The campaign blends historic moments into present day situations. From the famous photo of Hitler at the Eiffel Tower to the Hindenburg disaster. The campaign was…

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April 3, 2013 at 10:17 am

The Top 25 ‘Pictures of the Day’ for 2013

The Top 25 'Pictures of the Day' for 2013

At the end of every quarter the Sifter will highlight the top 25 ‘Pictures of the Day‘, culminating in an epic Top 100 at the end of the year (check out the ‘Top 100 POTDs for 2012‘). It’s hard to believe we’re already a 1/4 of the way through 2013. Below you will find…

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April 1, 2013 at 12:22 pm

Haunting Google Street Views of the Great East Japan Earthquake

Haunting Google Street Views of the Great East Japan Earthquake

On March 11, 2011, the Great East Japan Earthquake struck off the coast of Japan. It was a magnitude 9.03 (Mw), the most powerful known earthquake ever to have hit Japan and the fifth most powerful earthquake in the world since modern record-keeping began in 1900. The earthquake triggered powerful tsunami waves that reached…

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March 31, 2013 at 2:46 pm

Meet Ali, the World’s Most Dapper 83-Year-Old

Meet Ali, the World's Most Dapper 83-Year-Old

Meet Ali. An 83-year-old from Turkey that has been living in Berlin, Germany, for the last 44 years. Ali used to be a doctor but now works as a tailor. He has 18 children and a fantastic wardrobe. On his daily commute he happens to walk by a cafe that photographer Zoe Spawton works…

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