Tag: holidays

December 20, 2023 at 2:52 pm

Mom Makes A Vague Christmas List And Asks For “Stuff,” So Son Maliciously Complies And Makes The Whole Family Laugh

Mom Makes A Vague Christmas List And Asks For "Stuff," So Son Maliciously Complies And Makes The Whole Family Laugh

This is so wholesome and funny.

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December 14, 2023 at 2:47 pm

Her Family Stopped Buying Christmas Presents Because They’re Happier Doing Something Else. – ‘The spirit of Christmas is about being together.’

Her Family Stopped Buying Christmas Presents Because They’re Happier Doing Something Else. - 'The spirit of Christmas is about being together.'

Stay safe and warm out there, friends!

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December 2, 2023 at 4:37 am

Mom Refuses To Spend Christmas With Daughter When She Lands In The Hospital By Eating Food She Knew Would Make Her Sick

Mom Refuses To Spend Christmas With Daughter When She Lands In The Hospital By Eating Food She Knew Would Make Her Sick

It’s sad that she would rather feel awful than left out.

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November 23, 2023 at 9:52 am

She Cancelled Her Family’s Thanksgiving Gathering After Grandparents Call Her Brother’s New Baby A “Real” Grandchild

She Cancelled Her Family’s Thanksgiving Gathering After Grandparents Call Her Brother's New Baby A "Real" Grandchild

Sounds like this was a long time coming.

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November 22, 2023 at 2:21 pm

‘They planned on putting everything on Facebook.’ Woman Skipped Family Christmas Because Her Parents Won’t Let Her Boyfriend Sleep in the Same Bed

'They planned on putting everything on Facebook.' Woman Skipped Family Christmas Because Her Parents Won’t Let Her Boyfriend Sleep in the Same Bed

I wonder if these folks will work this out.

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November 3, 2023 at 3:33 pm

Employee Spots An Loophole In Their Contract And Gets Financial Revenge On An Heartless Boss

Employee Spots An Loophole In Their Contract And Gets Financial Revenge On An Heartless Boss

That’s why you always have to read the fine print!

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October 13, 2023 at 1:52 am

‘This was the most expensive office party in the history of the company.’ IT Manager Exacts Revenge After His Department Is Made To Work On A National Holiday

'This was the most expensive office party in the history of the company.' IT Manager Exacts Revenge After His Department Is Made To Work On A National Holiday

This guy is a legend.

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September 24, 2023 at 3:22 pm

‘Everyone has lost their minds with these weddings.’ A Woman Sounded Off About People Who Have Weddings On Holiday Weekends

'Everyone has lost their minds with these weddings.' A Woman Sounded Off About People Who Have Weddings On Holiday Weekends

Yeah, please don’t do this to your friends.

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August 8, 2023 at 12:17 pm

‘I can’t believe you guys are open today!’ A Retail Worker Puts Customers On Blaast Who Say They’re Sorry They Have To Work On Holidays

'I can't believe you guys are open today!' A Retail Worker Puts Customers On Blaast Who Say They’re Sorry They Have To Work On Holidays

I can see how a comment like this would get on someone’s nerves…and maybe this viral video will be a lesson to all of you out there to just be polite and don’t say anything if you happen to encounter someone working during a holiday. A retail worker named Colleen shared a video where she…

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May 20, 2023 at 7:09 am

These People Answer Santa’s Mail, And They’ve Got Secrets To Spill

These People Answer Santa's Mail, And They've Got Secrets To Spill

Peeking behind the curtain is always fun, right?

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