Artist and Creative Director Brock Davis (featured previously) is back with a new crop of creative photos using everyday objects. The self-professed tinkerer is wildly popular on Instagram, where his playful diversions have garnered him nearly 110,000 followers. Based out of Minneapolis, Brock’s artworks spans a wide array of disciplines. From graphic design and…
Like so many creative projects, Follow me / #followmeto began rather serendipitously. Photographer Murad Osmann and his partner Nataly Zakharova are passionate travellers but Nataly was growing frustrated with Murad always being preoccupied with his camera wherever they went. She literally resorted to dragging him by hand from place to place to keep them…
Since our last feature in October, Javier Pérez continues to delight with his witty and clever doodles that incorporate everyday objects. The artist and illustrator from Guayaquil, Ecuador has seen his Instagram following triple in the last two months as more people continue to discover and share his fantastic artwork. His doodles are a…
Photograph by @harlowandsage on Instagram On March 13, 2013, @harlowandsage launched on Instagram and the world was introduced to Harlow, a big loveable Weimaraner; and Sage, an adorable little Daschund and older sister to Harlow. Photograph by @harlowandsage on Instagram The two were inseparable and their bond tugged at the heartstrings of…
Histagrams is the brainchild of Gusto NYC and Gavin Alaoen, two New York City based artists currently working for MTV Networks. In a single topic tumblr named Histagrams, the duo imagine an alternate reality where Instagram is available throughout history. While not always historically accurate (e.g., Laocoön actually wanted to set fire to the…
Javier Pérez aka cintascotch, is an artist and illustrator from Guayaquil, Ecuador. A few times a week, Pérez shares a new doodle with his 20,000 Instagram followers. Each doodle incorporates everyday objects like paper clips, coins and scissors. The doodles transform the objects into something completely new and different. It’s a fun and creative…
Lil Bub is undoubtedly one of the most popular cats online. With a massive following on all major social networks (see below), she’s truly one-of-a-kind. Aside from being absolutely adorable, her unique traits are quite fascinating. Discovered as the runt of a healthy feral litter in a tool shed in rural Indiana, she was…
Jeremy Veach is a 23-year-old photographer from Port Orchard, Washington. Inspired by Maddie (one of the early Internet pet sensations) and Momo (featured previously), Veach and his best friend Norm take daily photos and share them on Instagram and Tumblr. Adopted a year and a half ago when he was just eight weeks old,…
Murad Osmann (@muradosmann on Instagram) is a Russian photographer and film producer (Hype Production) who has seen his personal photo series #followmeto on Instagram explode online in recent days. First it made the front page of Reddit, eventually spreading outwards to the likes of Mashable and other publications. The story goes that Osmann’s girlfriend,…
Andrew Knapp (AOK) is a designer and photographer from Canada. One day while walking his border collie Momo, he noticed his dog’s tendency to hide rather than return when fetching things. With a keen photographer’s eye, Knapp saw the potential and #findmomo was born on Instagram. The concept was a hit and Knapp and…