Tag: quiet quitting

June 4, 2024 at 6:15 am

She Quit Panda Express Because Of The Low Pay, But Wants Her Job Back Now That Wages Are $21 An Hour

Source: Pixabay

Her point illustrates how a lot of us feel!

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March 19, 2024 at 3:36 pm

Boss Felt Threatened By Software Developer’s Skills, So He Let The Boss’s New Plans Crash And Burn

Boss Felt Threatened By Software Developer's Skills, So He Let The Boss's New Plans Crash And Burn

And people wonder why kids don’t want to work anymore.

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January 17, 2024 at 12:54 am

Business Promised Employee A Nice Bonus, But When It Never Arrived He Quiet Quit And Ruined Their Company

Business Promised Employee A Nice Bonus, But When It Never Arrived He Quiet Quit And Ruined Their Company

This is a very satisfying story…

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November 15, 2023 at 12:51 am

‘I never taught it to anyone else.’ Clueless Manager Assigned Employee’s Difficult Tasks To Other Workers Before They Were Properly Trained, Giving Employee Two Months Off Completely Paid

'I never taught it to anyone else.' Clueless Manager Assigned Employee's Difficult Tasks To Other Workers Before They Were Properly Trained, Giving Employee Two Months Off Completely Paid

Sounds like a nice way to spend the last couple of months at a job!

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November 5, 2023 at 2:38 am

‘I created a competing business offering similar services.’ Employee Decides To Prove Boss’ Point, But Not In The Way He Imagined

'I created a competing business offering similar services.' Employee Decides To Prove Boss' Point, But Not In The Way He Imagined

I would like to think maybe this boss has learned a lesson.

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July 31, 2023 at 7:33 am

‘I’m miserable. Mainly cuz of you. You’re the worst.’ TikTok Says Quiet Quitting Is Over. It’s Time To Get Loud.

'I'm miserable. Mainly cuz of you. You're the worst.' TikTok Says Quiet Quitting Is Over. It's Time To Get Loud.

“It’s time for me to clock in. Hopefully for the last time, am I right?”

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October 30, 2022 at 1:07 am

“Quiet Quitter” Mocked Co-Workers Working Hard for Promotions and Got People Talking

“Quiet Quitter” Mocked Co-Workers Working Hard for Promotions and Got People Talking

I mean… does he really think this is gonna last?

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