A Stranger From Church Told Her That She Was Part Of A Vision He Had, So She Told Her Mom And She Said To Trust It. Now She’s Upset And Doesn’t Know What To Do.
by Michael Levanduski
There are many different types of churches out there, and while many of the people who attend are great, there are also some weird ones (just like in any area of life.).
What would you do if a stranger approached you after a service and tried to tell you that you were part of a prophecy?
That is what the young lady in this story experienced, and it made her very uncomfortable. She is wondering if maybe she reacted poorly.
Check it out and see what you think.
AITA for how I reacted to a “prophecy”?
I swear I’m not making this up and I don’t know how to feel.
I’m an 18F and in the weeks leading up to me moving away for college, my mom has been taking my brother and I to church every weekend.
Ok, nothing out of the ordinary so far.
I play along but the truth is that I’ve been a non-believer for a few years now and I get mini panic attacks every service from the imposter syndrome.
This story happened yesterday and it’s the last sermon I attended before I move in this Friday.
The service was over and we were getting ready to leave when this group of people stopped us: a guy with glasses, a girl his age, and an older woman).
That is really weird.
He excused himself before mentioning that he had had “visions” of me.
I was in a Cinderella gown, I was condemning my friends for their sins, and that I would play a very large part in God’s plan.
Very eerie “chosen one” vibes.
I knew immediately that he was lying because I am not Christian and haven’t been for a long time.
They are buying into it.
However, when I look over at my family for assurance, my brother is fixated on him and my mom is close to tears.
I get a very uneasy feeling in my stomach.
He has told my mom that she was a good mom even though she doesn’t feel like it.
This hit her hard because my mom has lots of insecurity she deals with and is constantly working overtime.
Just a reminder: he doesn’t know us.
But he kept specifically coming back to me.
“You’re unique, but that makes you special. You have a very important part to play. You are not alone.”
By this point I’m incredibly uncomfortable.
I’m glancing around the church in desperation.
Finally, the older woman takes my hand and they make a prayer.
My eyes stay open and continue to frantically look for intervention.
My mom confronts me later to ask what I thought of it.
Mom wants to believe it.
I told her the truth, how I felt uncomfortable with how much he focused on me when he was a complete stranger, and how him essentially sharing fantasies about me was weird.
She got very defensive.
She argued that he didn’t know our family but he clearly had a divine gift.
She blamed me having my walls up and being very cynical all the time, and told me she would just have to pray that I would accept it as God’s word.
I feel like I’m going insane.
This is the same mother who sends me safety reels daily on Instagram, but now that it’s someone’s “gift from God”, I’m supposed to feel grateful and fulfilled?
I feel betrayed that my own mother doesn’t validate my feelings.
I tried to tell her that it was easy to pick up on our personalities based on how she appears to be a single mother since our dad doesn’t attend, and how I present as guarded based on how tense I am at church because of the negative experiences I’ve associated with it.
She’s convinced this was real.
I’m not even sure how I’m supposed to react to this experience.
All I know is that my gut was telling me that something wasn’t right.
I don’t feel blessed, I feel singled out and preyed upon.
That is pretty creepy. She is absolutely NTA.
Let’s read through some of the best comments.
Just because it is at church doesn’t make it ok.
Maybe it is time to tell her mom.
It was an obvious scam.
Yeah, not hard to make that ‘prophecy.’
Hey, that would shut him up quick.
You need to get out of that church, fast.
If you thought that was an interesting story, check out what happened when a family gave their in-laws a free place to stay in exchange for babysitting, but things changed when they don’t hold up their end of the bargain.

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