Her Grandma Loathed Her Half-Sister, But Her Callous Mother Went Ahead And Tried Reconciling The Two Sisters Without Grandma’s Consent. So She Kicked Her Out Of The Retirement Community.
by Sarrah Murtaza
Minding your own business can really take you a long way in this life, and this story is a living proof of that.
Things got bad when this girl’s mother messed with her grandma’s traumatic past.
Check out how the mother got cancelled!
AITA for telling my mom she got what she had coming to her after grandma had her banned from the retirement community she lives at?
My mom went behind my grandma’s back several months ago and tracked down my grandma’s half sister to try and force a reconciliation between them despite knowing grandma did not want to and did not claim her half sister as a real sibling.
Grandma was furious.
She detested the sibling.
She told my mom that the half sister is just “some ****** child” and not her real sibling and her chance to have siblings died with her mom.
After my great grandma died, great grandpa remarried someone who had a very extensive reputation for going after married and widowed men.
Grandma hated her for existing.
My grandma thought the woman was disgusting.
It wasn’t helped by the fact great grandpa’s new wife was also the other woman to one of the parents of grandma’s friends.
So the hatred already existed.
They went on to have a daughter together who grandma never looked at as anything other than the woman’s daughter. She saw her dad as a traitor and disgusting for going after someone like his wife.
Grandma’s step mom wasn’t a saint.
So she never formed any connection with her and she moved out at like 16 in order to get out from under them.
Great grandpa’s wife’s reputation proved to be more than true because even while married to great grandpa there were more and more married or widowed men who were going in and out of the house.
At some point several years after grandma moved out, her half sister reached out and asked if she would take her because she wasn’t happy at home and grandma said no.
The siblings never got in touch after this incident.
That was the last time they spoke.
My mom and her siblings grew up knowing grandma had a half sister she wanted nothing to do with.
But sometime during her life mom decided she could be the one to change grandma’s mind and she waited until grandma was older and grandpa was gone and she’s been living alone for two years now (in the retirement community).
She tracked down the half sister, got that woman’s hopes up because she always hoped to have a relationship with my grandma and then showed up at grandma’s house with the half sister.
It got really heated up between the ladies.
It didn’t go well. The half sister left heartbroken and my grandma tore my mom a new one.
I have never seen my grandma actually angry before.
She called my mom a bratty little know it all who thought she could ignore people’s wishes and boundaries and she told mom that she couldn’t look at her.
Mom argued back that grandma has a sister and she should know her before it’s too late.
Grandma wanted to cut her tied from her daughter.
Grandma sent me to the store to grab some snacks and by the time I got back grandma told mom she was not welcome back there again.
Mom thought grandma would calm down but she learned a couple of weeks later, when she tried to visit, that she was banned from the community.
My mom was horrified.
The girl told her mom she deserved it and that just exacerbated the situation.
She wouldn’t stop talking about it at home and I told her she got what was coming to her with what she did.
I told her if I did something like that she would ground me so fast. But just because she’s an adult she thought she could do it?
Mom told me I shouldn’t stick my nose into her business and that I have zero right to judge her.
Why couldn’t the mother just mind her own business and let the grandma be?
Let’s check out views of Reddit users on this story.
This user knows the mom was pretty unreasonable with her actions.
Yes! The grandma seems to be right about everything.
Truth can be bitter and this mother can’t accept it. This user is right!
This person this the mum is bizarre.
For sure! This user knows the mom messed up big time!
It’s best to let the past be in the past!
If only this mother knew that!
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