October 18, 2024 at 2:48 am

They Made Snide Remarks And Pushed Her Over At The Airport, So When She Was The Only One That Noticed They Left Their Laptop Behind, She Decided To Just Be Quiet

by Mila Cardozo

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge/Pexels/Skitterphoto

Being in an airport can be a stressful experience, but that’s no reason to treat others like they don’t matter.

In this case, someone shared how a woman and her friend acted rude towards them, and what they did (or more precisely, didn’t do) cost them dearly.

A whole laptop, to be exact.

Let’s read the story.

Remember to be nice to people

So last year I was catching a flight from Berlin to Dublin.

Anyway, for some reason the airport was at a standstill. It was taking 3 to 4 hours just to get through security.

EVERY flight was delayed.

I can imagine the chaos.

In the ensuing confusion, people were letting others forward who had a flight that was about to leave.

I will mention that people were really really kind.

Anyway, they let me through so I could get to security earlier so I could hopefully make my flight.

They do this for about four of us.

Sooo we get to the front, mind you the four of us are going on the same flight.

As I am taking my laptop out, this lady and her friend come in front of me but she makes snide remarks and pushes me out of the way (more like a light shove) generally being rude.

Now I understand that everyone is stressed with this massive delay but we’re going on the same flight and I’m moving as fast as I can.

Okay, this isn’t a video game and people aren’t NPCs.

Anyway they go through before me, in the ruckus they caused one of them forgot their laptop in the tray.

Security asks if I know who it belongs to and I say no (even though I saw them forget it).

Now as we are walking to our gate they realise that they’ve lost a laptop and the airport is a mess.

I see them start to look everywhere and retracing their steps and asking people around them if they saw the laptop.

I just looked at them stress about it and run around like headless chickens.

Okay, that’s vengeful.

Turns out we were on the same aisle.

They were complaining the whole time about how they will have to contact the airport etc to locate the laptop.

If they had just been a little kinder I would have let them know they forgot their laptop in the tray.

Remember to practice kindness.

I hope they put two and two together and learn the lesson.

Let’s see what Reddit has to say.

A reader suggests what to say.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge

This commenter shares their thoughts.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge

A commenter shares a personal story.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge

You live, you learn.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge

Someone makes another great suggestion on what to say.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge

This person imagined a whole movie scene.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge

Everyone should take notes.

I hope the poster didn’t lose a single second of sleep over this.

If you liked that post, check out this story about a customer who insists that their credit card works, and finds out that isn’t the case.