Mom Demos Expired Factory-Made Bread And Finds That ‘Bread Doesn’t Mold Anymore’
by Ashley Ashbee
Concerned mom and consumer @southernbamamama went viral on TikTok for a demonstration she did with bread.
“Three different companies; all of them expired bread; none of them have mold,” she says, likely suggesting they are high in preservatives.
Then she opens three bags, one of each from Bunny, Sunbeam and Sara Lee.
“None of it is molded,” she says while taking slices out to show that there is no mold anywhere.
“It’s still soft,” she says while pressing down on the bread and watching it rise back up like memory foam.
Each loaf expired about a month ago. However, it’s unclear if these are actually Best Before Dates, not Expiry dates, as she describes.
“This is disgusting,” she says at the end.
There may be nuances in this issue as the type of preservative and amount consumed tend to impact if it is unsafe or not.
Whatever the case, consumers want fresh food, especially since the astronomical rise in the cost of food since COVID. One potential solution could be to support your local bakery instead of buying factory-made bread.
Watch the full clip.
@southernbamamama Why are they allowing these things in our food?! #breaddoesntmold #thisisscary #bunnybread #sunbeambread #saraleebread
Here is what folks are saying.
Good question! Organic refers to how it’s grown, not how it’s processed after.
That doesn’t mean what you think it means. They shouldn’t eat white bread.
My bet would be that it was in a warm and moist environment.
Another reason to support your local bakery or to get a breadmaker.
I put my pumpernickel bread in the freezer. It stays fresh and the slices don’t stick together. Then I toast them.
Bring back moldy bread? Hmmm…
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