Employee’s CEO Inferred That He Should Quit, So They Complied And Watched The Whole Project He Had Been Working On Collapse
by Heide Lazaro

Work environments can make or break a project.
This man was part of a small AI team in a startup company.
The CEO made some big changes, and a lot of people decided to quit.
A year later, this man found out what happened after a lot of great employees got pushed out by a bad CEO.
Read the story below to find out what happened next.
You want to fire me? Oh yes please
I joined a startup’s AI team.
This consisted of just three people including myself with the other two being more senior.
We spent about a year developing a product, and it was gaining traction with new clients.
The startup’s CEO eliminated their sprints.
Then, everything changed one day.
Our CEO decided that regular team-based sprints weren’t “effective enough.”
This is basically our once-a-day check-ins.
Instead, every team member had to become a “head” of a project. They should be organizing, managing, and running separate daily scrums.
Typically, each of us was assigned to 4 to 6 different scrums which completly destroyed any sensible resource planning.
This man decided to stick it out, but the CEO wasn’t making it easy for him.
This was the breaking point for the two senior members in my team.
They promptly decided to quit.
I tried to stick it out, but the CEO started giving me crap all of a sudden.
I believe he was holding a grudge because I once didn’t answer my phone at 6:29 PM. Work ended at 6:30 PM.
I called him at 7, but apparently that wasn’t enough.
The CEO stopped talking to him directly.
After that, he was not talking to me directly.
He would just speak to one of the seniors (who hadn’t yet announced his resignation). And that senior was supposed to relay that to me.
But… he was ready to quit and wasn’t really that helpful, and with the work management going nuts, everything was just becoming crap.
I mean engineering becomes messy if you don’t know the intentions.
The CEO implied that he needs to quit.
But he just kept giving me tasks without an explanation.
So I had a one-on-one with the CEO, and asked him to tell me what he wants directly.
This suggestion set him off.
He implied that “this isn’t working out.” Clearly suggesting my time at the company was coming to an end.
So, he quit, and the 2 senior developers followed.
I knew that our codebase was built in Langchain and runnables (notorious for their poor readability), and that, well, all of the members are quitting.
So, I maliciously complied.
About a week after receiving this message, the two seniors quit.
He found out after a year that they completely abolished his product.
That was about a year ago.
I now saw them putting out a news article.
It was the first PR they’ve done so far since I left.
Yap, the entire project that we developed for about a year, was gone.
It was replaced with something completely new and generic.
Can’t say I’m not happy seeing that product crumble.
I hope he found a better job with a better boss!
Let’s find out what others have to say about this on Reddit.
This user shares their personal thoughts.
While this person gives a perfect response.
Good for you, says this person.
This person suggests stealing the idea.
Finally, here’s a lesson from this user.
Sometimes, walking away is the smartest move you can make.
If you liked that story, check out this post about an oblivious CEO who tells a web developer to “act his wage”… and it results in 30% of the workforce being laid off.

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