July 25, 2024 at 7:32 pm

Her Partner Refuses To Get Up To Help With Their Newborn Baby, So This Exhausted Mom Finally Snaps At Him For Sleeping Through Everything

by Heide Lazaro

Source: Reddit/AITA/Canva

Having a newborn can be both fulfilling and stressful, especially for tired, sleepless mamas.

In this story, OP shared that when their baby was experiencing rough nights, she lost it and snapped at her partner.

She felt guilty afterward, and is now asking if she is the jerk.

Do you think being exhausted gives her the right to yell at her partner?

AITA for yelling at my partner for not helping at night with our newborn?

I (21f) and my partner (21m) are first-time parents.

He works around 8 hours a day in construction, while I’m a SAHM.

We each have our own “jobs,” and so far, it’s been working 85% of the time.

Everything was going well until one night…

We decided early in the pregnancy that this was the plan because of how expensive and nerve-wracking childcare can be.

But, like all first-time parents, we had no idea what to expect with a baby, and how postpartum would affect me.

Our son is 3 weeks old, and has a pretty good schedule at the moment.

He wakes up every 3-ish hours for a bottle and diaper change, and my body is finally adjusting, so I’m handling it well… until a surprise “rough night” happens.

So, OP got exasperated.

This is when our baby is more fussy than usual and scream-cries, fights sleep, eats WAY more than normal, and just rebels against his usual routine.

This is when my postpartum anger sets in.

I get so angry because I’m tired, can’t figure out what the baby needs from me, and I’m going through the motions.

She even got more agitated by his husband’s sleeping.

Meanwhile, my partner sleeps through EVERYTHING.

I wake him up numerous times, saying, “Please tag me out,” “I’m getting too angry to think straight,” “I need help,” “I don’t know what’s wrong.”

He wakes for a second, but goes back to sleep.

Until OP lost it and woke up her husband.

However, the last bad night we had, I lost it and yelled at my partner.

I was so angry I couldn’t think, and my partner wouldn’t wake up to help, so I yelled at him and woke him up out of a dead sleep.

I instantly regretted it because he looked frightened, and after, I said, “I’ve been asking you for help and you won’t. I can’t do this. I’m tagging out.”

Her hubby called her rude.

He got angry.

He called me rude for yelling at him, and said, “I’ll just get up then,” with an attitude.

He yelled at me because I went to go cry in the bathroom, saying, “Oh God, don’t be like that.”

Now, she’s feeling guilty.

I’m not asking a lot, just help on the bad nights and the moments that I need to tag out for safety.

However, I feel guilty I got angry with him.

I know we each have things we do for “jobs,” and his isn’t easy either.

So, AITA for getting angry and lashing out about the lack of help during bad nights?

Yikes! Lots of drama here. Let’s find out how other people reacted.

This user suggested something.

Source: Reddit/AITA

This one shared their thoughts.

Source: Reddit/AITA

That’s reasonable, says this user.

Source: Reddit/AITA

How about getting help from OP’s parents?

Source: Reddit/AITA

Here’s another helpful suggestion.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Take it easy, mama! You have the right to be rude but don’t abuse it, k?

If you enjoyed that story, read this one about a mom who was forced to bring her three kids with her to apply for government benefits, but ended up getting the job of her dreams.