Tag: bad parent

July 25, 2024 at 5:51 am

His Mom Abandoned Him During His Youth So He Didn’t Invite Her To His Wedding, But Now She’s Calling Him Heartless

Source: Pexels/Emilio González

Come on Mom, do better!

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June 24, 2024 at 11:42 am

His Ex-Wife Forgot About Their Daughter’s Birthday, And Then Got Mad At Him For Not Reminding Her Or Lying To Say A Gift Was From Her

Source: Pexels/Matheus Bertelli

Mom needs to start making the kids a priority.

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May 31, 2024 at 5:50 am

She Won Valedictorian, But When Her Father And Sister Said They Might Not Make It To Graduation, She Gave Away Their Tickets

Source: Reddit/Canva

The gall of this dad.

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